Who Are you

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As I let my phone ring my uncle looks at me. "So which you gone answer first." I suck my teeth then pick up my phone and open the door. In walks ray with a bottle of moscato and a bag with what smells like take out food. "Hey Donnie boo! Oh sorry,  I did not know you had company." "So this is the spit fire?" Ray places everything on the counter. Then turns slowly around. "And you are?" "Ray this my uncle James." Ray nods then turns to pour her a drink." "You can call me uncle Jay, sweet heart." I pull me out a cup to make a drink. Ray take a sip and said, " You can call me Raven. Not sweetheart, not spit fire, cause I know where that name came from." I laughed and look in ray bag and pull out some Hennessy. "So lil bit." I give him this look like what did I tell you. "Look Unc I am gone ask again what do you need." My uncle looks at me then smiles. "You know you look like him, and you acting just how he use to." " who are you talking about." He then grabs his keys walks to the door. " Hey when you on this vacation find out just who you are. And who you want to be." He then leaves and I then remember that I picked up my phone. I look at it and see it's Deron. "Hello?" "Hey Bro I need to talk to you and I am glade ray there. Before you say she not I already heard her tell Unc off." "Deron what do you need to talk to us about. Hello? Hello?" Next I hear him just hang up with no words to say. Ray looks at me and said, "What was all that about?"

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