I Gotta Know

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Once I got in my room. I laid in my bed. I thought about everything that been going on these last few days. I thought about what my mom told me. I had Chris pop in and out of my head. I thought about Deron and trying find out just what it is he know that I don't know. I rolled over and saw the book on my floor next to my bed. I picked it up and just as I was about to read it. I pass out to sleep. Once I woke up, I saw ray was gone and I locked my door. I text ray telling her to be safe. She hit me back wit a emoji that was winking, a tongue and a heart. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I made me a bowl of cereal then headed to my room. I turned on the T.V and see a cartoon I use to watch as a kid. After a little breakfast I laid back in my bed and started to think again. I looked over and see the pics and book I took to bed. I look at the pictures all of men in military uniforms. They all show guys out drinking with women. There is even a few of women who I recognize from old movies. As I look at the pictures I finally see what I missed the first time when I look them over. There was two men in every picture. No matter how many others were in the pictures. These two same men was there. Well I know one guy had to be grandpa. Question was who was the other. I flip all the pictures over and they all are autographed to a guy named The Fin. I open the book and what I thought said don was actually the name Fin. I think to myself this can't be grand dad it's got to be one of his old buddies. I open the book then read. I have to be honest with myself every man has his secrets. One that he tells only a few people. Ones he takes to his grave. This one I just might take to my grave. My hope is I never lose this book. I hope my family never finds this book. Worst of all I hope my fellow men never see this book. These pages will be for me. In my fight over me, and who I am as Fin.

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