forty two

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i knew from the first time
id stay for a long time 'cause
i like me better when I'm with you

"You know what's fascinating?" Millie asked, led on their shared bed while she flicked through the countless of options Netflix had to offer. Finn lifted his eyebrow with his eyes closed, motioning for her to continue. "That we're floating in space right now, it's ridiculous."

"Are you high?" Finn asked, eyes still closed. Millie giggled at his comment and the side of his mouth twitched as an automatic response triggered by her laughter.

"No." Millie replied, laying next to him and watching his eyes flutter. "You're pretty."

This then made Finn giggle, readjusting himself under his weight as he finally cracked an eye open.

"What are we, in seventh grade?"

"No again." Millie rolled her eyes. "Although, can you remember seventh grade? It was like a blur to me."

"Clear as day." Finn shook his head, his eyes glistened with happiness recalling memories back when the two were younger. He don't think he'd ever forget them either, they were best friends turned into lovers excellence. It was bound to happen eventually, their parents would tease them about the idea and the two would gag and say 'ew', but in the back of their small minds something felt warm when the concept of the two as a pair made young Millie blush.

"Really?" Millie questioned, eager to know what he remembered about their childhood.

"I had the biggest crush on you and my mom would always play around and tease me about it, I would deny it until the earths core but look where we are now." He smiled, leaning over to place a chaste kiss on Millie's recently Vaseline'd lips before returning to his usual position.

"You being utterly devoted and in love with me?"

"I wouldn't go that far." Finn teased, earning a kick from Millie's foot. He shook his head, wrapping his arm around her waist and dragging her body close to his. The body heat that was radiating off of him instantly felt comfortable, she could melt into him any minute. "I'm kidding, it's scary to think how much I love you."

"I love you too." Millie nodded, leaning him and lingering for a while, enjoying basking in all his atmospheric glory before connecting her lips to his. He had the same affect on her every time, her cheeks would go all red and hot and she twitched for even more contact.

He mattered in that moment, before it was disrupted by Millie's phone ringing. The two groaned, her pulling herself away from him before grabbing her phone and holding it towards her ear.

"Hi dad." Millie said, falling back into the bed while Finn chose to watch reruns of That 70's Show.

"Hey Millie. Everything ok?"

"Yeah everything's great, we're all just settling down now. Can I call you in the morning?"

"Of course, sorry to disturb you sweetheart I was just checking in." Hopper said, Millie smiling at the nickname he's given her ever since she could remember. "Love you."

"Love you too." Millie replied, placing her phone on the bedside table before returning to her previous position before she had gotten disturbed.

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