forty seven

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when I wake up, you look so pretty
sleeping next to me
but I will still tell you one thing
we're better together

Again, it was the thing Finn hated. He was staring at the sleepy girl endugled in her bed. Her skin bleed the warmth radiating off of her body with her face buried into a pillow that now probably smelt like her cocoanut shampoo.

"Babe." Finn shook her waist, causing a groan to come from her mouth which made Finn slightly jump. "Millie, come on. You told me to wake you up early to do some last minute Halloween runs."

"I know." Millie's disembodied voice came from the pillows and Finn only just made out what she said from many, many previous experiences.

Finn waited a few seconds for the girl to stir, but she didn't. She was still, chest rising and falling heavily, a sign that she's fallen back into a deep slumber.

"Millie?" Finn questioned again, bravely sitting next to her on the bed this time, moving hair out of her face before laying on top of her and putting all of his weight on her petite body. "I'm not moving until I know you're up."

"For a skinny lad you're so heavy." Millie moaned, Finn only just made out what she said and raised his eyebrow at her comment. He jolted slightly, so more of his weight was impacting her and she let out a groan. "Get off me you twat."

"I told you, not until you're fully awake."

"I am awake now." Millie said, opening her eyes and rolling them. "How can I not be when a huge fucking bolder is led on my back."

Finn climbed off of her with a satisfied laugh, before pulling her up with her arm. When she was finally sat up, her hair was wild and Finn's top was too large for her as it hung onto her shoulder for dear life.

"You look cute." He commented, then pulling on her arm again to have her stand up so he can snake his thin arms around her waist and pull her closer to him. Her cheek was to his chest, eyes closed as she was still completely indulged in sleep.

"I know." She replied sarcastically, ripping herself away from his warm body and walking towards the bathroom with the dragging of her feet.


It was the evening and the girls were getting ready for the party. Millie huffed, applying the natural pink lipstick to absolute perfection. Instead of matching with her boyfriend this year, she was matching with her best friend instead.

Her and Sadie both were quite satisfied with their outfits. Millie was Princess Leia. At first, she wanted to back out because the buns were not good enough to her standard but she took a break, went back to them and was more pleased than ever.

Sadie was Kylo Ren, she had the outfit planned for a while now and was over the moon when Millie finally decided to say yes on being a character from the beloved Star Wars.

"I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend." Sadie turned towards Millie and smiled, holding onto her shoulder. Millie smiled, pulling Sadie into a hug.

"I love you, I'm so glad you're mine too. And that you actually put up with me."

"Ok, enough of the soppy shit. How far away are the boys?" Sadie asked, followed by the front door opening to Sadie's house and boys voices echoing on the tiled floor.

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