thirty five

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so i ask myself
do i let you go?
or do I keep you in the frame of my mind?

"When are you gonna ask her out?" Millie asked Finn while he was kissing her neck. She tried to ignore the feeling, she could stop thinking about Finn and Elle together.

"You're really thinking about this now?" Finn asked, tilting his head up. His lips touching Millie's chin, making shivers run down her arms.

"I can't stop thinking about it."

Finn sighed, sitting up and pulling Millie up with him.


"I know." Millie said, scratching her forehead as she threw herself back against the bed. "It's just, she's so gorgeous."

"Your point?"

"That's exactly my point!" Millie said, covering her face with her hands. "I don't want you to be with anyone else but me."

"I don't think you can dictate me like that."

"I know I can't." She said. "That's why I'm so frustrated."

"You know I'm madly in love with you." Finn said like it was nothing. To her it was everything. "But I don't trust you, and you need trust in a relationship. I need time."

"And in that time you'll be with Elle and probably fall in love with her and forget all about me."

"That's stupid." Finn scoffed.

"It's like the Iris situation all over again." Millie mumbled under her breath, quietly but loud enough just so Finn can hear. He pretended that he didn't though.

"You know what." Finn stood up, adjusting his shirt and wiping his head with the back of his hand. "Maybe this isn't a good idea."

"Maybe it isn't." Millie said, lying through her teeth. "It's just making this whole situation harder than it needs to be."

"I know." Finn said agreeing, not wanting to call it off. It was for the best, though. They were both playing with each others feelings and just digging themselves into a deeper hole.

They tried, they failed...again.


Finn walked out of Millie's house in a strop. It's the same as always, he didn't think he could physically and mentally do it anymore.

His phone rang and he immediately ignored it, shoving his phone into his pocket out of frustration. It rang a couple of times before he finally gave in.

"Hello?" Finn answered his phone in annoyance.

"Wow." Someone said on the other line. "Someone's grumpy?"

"And this is?"

"It's Elle." She said. Finn could tell she was smiling through the phone. He put his hand up to his head and shut his eyes.

"Hi, Elle. What's up?"

"Obviously I've caught you at a bad time." Elle rushed, feeling slightly embarrassed.

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