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Finn immediately set eyes on Millie as his neutral expression turned into a warm smile that made Millie send one back without thinking.

"So much for seeing you in two weeks, huh?" Finn laughed, staying in line waiting to be served instead of going over, he didn't want to overstep boundaries. Especially when Millie said she didn't want to see him for another two weeks.

Ah, the universe hates me, Millie thought as she laughed off Finn's comment.

"Are you going to Gaten's tonight? He's having people over, inner circle only, just the party." Finn said, which made Millie furrow her eyebrows.

"Uh, I haven't heard anything about it, maybe I'm not invited?" Millie frowned, feeling upset that she was probably being left out.

"I mean, I only just found out so he probably hasn't got it round to you get." Finn smiled, trying to make her feel better as he realised her facial expression dimmed slightly.

"Maybe." Millie drank her coffee and tapped on her keyboard, although her mind kept wandering off to the messy haired boy waiting for his coffee. "So, why are you here so early? Are you meeting someone or just stalking me?" Millie joked, if they couldn't be together they should at least try to be friends.

"No and no. I couldn't go back to sleep and there was no coffee at my place so, my second best option."

Millie smiled in response, making a mental note to stop smiling at him as much.

Once Finn got his coffee, he walked over to Millie, his body language was uneasy and so was Millie's heart rate.

"So, uh, I'll see you tonight?"

"I mean, you can sit if you like?" Millie asked, motioning to the soft seat that was opposite her. Finn's face lit up as he took the opportunity happily as he set his coffee down on the table.

"What're you writing?"

"A Dementia assignment." Millie stated proudly. "Nosey much?"

"Oh shit, you were really excited to get onto that unit. How's it going?" Finn asked.

Knowing that Finn remembered that small detail made Millie want to bust out into a smile, but instead she just nodded.

"It's actually amazing but upsetting at the same time. So interesting though, I can't believe they have absolutely no cause. I mean, they say it's a build up of protein in the brain but they just don't know how the protein develops and it's absolute madness."

For the whole time Millie was ranted, Finn's chin sat in the palm of his hand as he listened intently.

"I remember you telling me that just before summer." Finn laughed, clearing his throat and taking another sip of his coffee.

"Sorry." Millie apologised.

"Nothing to be sorry about." Finn shook his head. "I find it admirable how you're fascinated by it."

"Well, I am." Millie said, saving her work as she closed down her laptop and shoved it back into her bag.

"Oh, are you going now?" Finn asked.

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