Goodbye, for now :(

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  • Dedicated to One Direction

So, this is the last chapter, god I feel like I could cry. I know I said there was two but I didn't know how to do that. So there will be an Epilouge!! I know I have to do it or I won't be satisfied. I will then work on my other stories and start then next one around october, novemeber. sometime then... God I'm crying!! I'm in a country mood and I know that is a bit random but I'm going to stop this A/N and get to the story :) Now after this I should sleep and get to my made up dream guy named Dustin... lol Byeeee!!!

I woke up the next morning alone in my own bed, dreading getting up. I groaned and looked at the clock, frowning. I have till one and it is currently eight. I have five hours, five fucking hours left with the boys. I jumped out of bed and threw on a pair of grey sweats and a tank, grabbing my purple Oxford sweatshirt. I slipped on my toms and left the room, making myself a tea and toast. Checking my phone that is plugged in I saw I had multiple texts, all of the boys texted me good morning. I smiled and left the house, going to Big Timers house. Pulling up I saw a pile of luggage sitting there, also two vans. I figured all of them would be here so I headed in, my tea in a to go cup. They were scrambling around the house, but a head of blonde stopped in front of me as he ran out of the kitchen.

“Hey beautiful.” He spoke around a doughnut. He swallowed and kissed my nose, proceeding running after a blur of stripes. I giggled at this and looked to see people grabbing random ‘necessities’.

Louis stopped in front of me and hid behind me. “SAVE ME FROM THE LEPRECHAUN!” I laughed as Niall stopped in front of me and glared behind me. He sighed in defeat and mumbled a truce. Louis laughed in victory, kissed my cheek and ran again. Niall’s eyes sparked and chased after the Doncaster boy.

“THAT’S MINE LOUIS!” I scoffed.





“NEVER, HAROLD SAVE ME!” I watched the boys run around, Louis jumping on top of the curly haired boy who was lounging on the couch.

“NOT THE CURLS BOO!” Harry screeched like a little girl, pushing Lou on to the floor with a thump. I laughed, rolling on the floor as Niall then proceeded to sit on the boy. Zayn walked in, looked at the others, Niall on Louis and Harry frantically fixing his hair. He didn’t look at me, he just walked out shaking his head at it. Then he came back in, Liam on his heels. They stopped and grinned, running to Niall and Louis to sit on top of them. Harry stopped to watch this, his face of amazement made me laugh harder. He screamed out dog pile and jumped on top of Zayn. I heard more feet run in and jump on top.

“I’M KING OF THE HILL!” Carlos sung, I pushed back my laughs and got up. I ran across the room and jumped on top of Carlos, earning a chorus of grunts from them all under me.

“QUEEN!” I yelled, getting a loud ruckus of complaints from all the boys. I laughed and got off, helping everyone up. Niall kissed me, full on the lips.

“We have three hours guys.” Liam said. I sighed as Niall pulled me close. He buried his face in my hair and put his arms around my waist, murmuring about how he’s going miss me. I smiled softly as the boys joined the hug. We stood there for a couple minuets until we heard the front door open. Rebecca and Gigi came sulking in. Logan escaped the outskirts of our hug to give them both one. Settling his arms around Gigi’s waist.

The boys followed and gave the two girls hugs. Niall stayed with me, holding me tightly as if someone was trying to steal me out of his arms. I sighed and relaxed more into his grip, putting my hands on his as he lightly kissed my head. Lifting his face from my head he looked at the boys as they started to slowly sit, everyone sad to leave each other. I pulled out my phone and put the camera up.

“What are you doing?” Niall asked me softly.

“Well, I think my million followers deserve to see who I am, along with my boyfriend.” I said, looking into his beautiful eyes questioningly. He smiled softly and nodded. We posed for the picture, both smiling with his head resting on my shoulder. I posted it to my secret twitter and made it my profile picture.

@SecretFriend Me and my wonderful Boyfriend @NiallOfficial (:

In a few seconds I had a bunch of answers. Some saying how pretty I looked and asking if that was really Niall. “My turn.” Niall said. Taking his phone he gave it to me. We stayed in the same position, but he kissed my cheek resulting in me doing a funny scrunched up face. I chuckled as he tweeted it.

@NiallOfficial My beautiful girlfriend and childhood friend @SecretFriend! ;)

I chuckled as the girls flipped out over twitter. I looked at the time line to see the boys all tweeted how their going to miss being here but are going to love the KCA’s. I smiled and sat on the couch as everyone played around.

A Couple Hours later……

I stood with the boys, attempting not to cry. I hugged and kissed each boys cheek, leaving Niall for last. I got to him and I could see the tears swimming in his eyes. I hugged him around the neck and smashed my lips to his. I could feel the desperation and sadness that filled the kiss, yet still filled with the usual warmth that made me addicted. I pulled away, “I promise to visit you in London.” I whispered against his lips.

“And I promise when your there I’ll take you to Ireland to my mom’s.” He pecked me and pulled away. “I’ll skype, call, and at least text everyday.” I nodded and pushed him to the van where I can see Paul beckoning him to the van.

“Go, I’ll watch the news for you boys.” I said.

“Take care and don’t forget me.”


He hopped into the van and they drove away. I looked to see Rebecca and Gigi crying as much as me. I went and hugged them, telling them we could go back to my place. I walked to my car, but not before looking back at the parking lot, remembering the first time I saw him here. I tried to stop crying as I went home to get me and the girls together for the next few months without the boys here..

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