Lovely Part One

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I walked into my singing class, I noticed everyone else was already there. They were all talking, just sitting down. I sighed in relief as I took my seat, the chair next to me filled as someone sat down. I looked over to see Jessica sit next to me. I smiled as she looked at me.

“Hey, you seem cool, so I decided to be friends with you.” She grinned at me so I grinned back, chuckling slightly.

“Well, hello my name is Mikayla, but everyone calls me Mickey.” I put my hand out. She shook it lightly.

“Well. I am Jessica but you can call me Jess. Can I call you Micks? I have always wanted to do that?” I giggled and nodded my head. “Well, Micks, looks like class is starting.” She looked to the door to see our teacher walk in.

“Good day class, as a get to know each other I am going to pair you up with a person in class. Any questions? Good, lets move on.” she went and got out her Ipad. She started reading off names.

Jessica and Gabriela

Fernando and Parker

Karen and Ted

Oliver and a new student Rebecca that looks like Ashley Tisdale

Me and Trina

Great, I’m stuck with Barbie. I sighed as Jess gave me a sympathetic look. I grimaced as I heard the heels clacked over to my seat. Mrs. Jennings asked everyone to be quiet. “Now, everyone sang yesterday except for Rebecca and me. So both of us will sing and then you can talk about which song you two will sing.” we all settled into silence as Rebecca grabbed a seat at the piano and started to play. I smiled as I recognized the song.

I don't wanna be hurt
I just want to be little old me
Shouldn't have to think
Who am I suppose to be today
And what give you the right
To tell me who I should be
Who gave you that right

Cause I, I feel lovely
Just the way that I am
Yes I feel lovely
The way that I am

I know you want the best
Yeah only good things for me
But you have to realize
I can be all these things you project on me
Cause I'm beautiful to me
Doesn't that mean a thing

I feel lovely
Just the way that I am
Yes I feel lovely
The way that I am

I need that to be enough for you
Need that to be enough for you
Cause it's enough for me
It's enough for me

I'm I suppose to give up everything I am
Just to make you happy
I thought I was the one you
Always wanted me to be
It turns out I'm just little old me
I'm just little old me
And that's fine by me

Cause I, I am lovely
Just the way that I am
Oh yes I am,
Yes I am lovely
The way that I am
I am lovely lovely
I am lovely

I hummed along as we all clapped at her performance, she blushed and took the seat next to Oliver. Mrs. Jennings smiled at her as we all settled down into silence again. She cleared her voice, taking Rebecca’s old seat at the piano, and started to fluidly move. Her beautiful voice filled the room.


Seems Like It Was Yesterday When I Saw Your Face
you Told Me How Proud You Were But I Walked Away
if Only I Knew What I Know Today

i Would Hold You In My Arms
i Would Take Away The Pain
thank You For All You've Done
forgive All Your Mistakes
there's Nothing I Wanna Do
to Hear Your Voice Again
sometimes I Want To Call You But I Know You Won't Be There

i'm Sorry For Blaming You For Everything I Just Couldn't Do
and I Hurt Myself By Hating You
somedays I Feel Broke Inside But I Won't Admit
sometimes I Just Want To Hide 'cause It's You I Miss
you Know It's So Hard To Say Goodbye When It Comes To This

would You Tell Me I Was Wrong?
would You Help Me Understand?
are You Looking Down Upon Me?
are You Proud Of Who I Am?
there's Nothing I Want To Do
to Have Just One More Chance
to Look Into Your Eyes And See You Looking Back

i'm Sorry For Blaming You For Everything I Just Couldn't Do
and I've Had Myself
if I Had Just One More Day, I Would Tell You How Much That
i've Missed You Since You've Been Away

oh, It's Dangerous
it's So I'm Afraid To Try To Turn Back Time

i'm Sorry For Blaming You For Everything I Just Couldn't Do
and I've Had Myself

by Hurting You

She finished, with slight tears from the emotion of the song. We all applauded as she smiled at us. “Now, converse amongst your partners about a song.” I turned to Trina as she slightly glared at me.

“Any requests?” I asked her as she pulled out her Iphone. She nodded, pulling a song up in her music.

She shoved in my face. The screen read Moments by One Direction. I moaned inside my head as she snapped her pink gum. I gave her my best fake smile. “You like 1D, me too.” her face instantly brightened.

“Like, yes! I love Harry and Niall!” I giggled as I could not see any of the boys dating her. She giggled thinking that I agreed with her. “So, we can get the lyrics and just split up the boys parts. I want Liam’s and Louis’s parts, you can have Zayn, Niall, and Harry’s part.” I nodded.

“We sing the chorus in harmony. So, I’ll print the lyrics for myself and you do that and practice your parts. We’ll work together tomorrow. Your place or mine?”

She looked thoughtful as she thought about it. “Yours.” I nodded and put my number in her phone. The class was dismissed as we all packed up. I have free for the rest of the day, then work. My work is a secretary at a multi use building. There is everything from lawyers to rented out offices for visiting artists.

I walked out and towards the campus music room, where the piano teacher was teaching me how to play. She did it for free as she is a friend of my grandma……

Sorry this is a to be continued chapter and part two will be up tomorrow or the next day. Then I am gone for a week Friday!!! So please comment and fan and vote!!1

Anyone else hear what Zayn and Louis did, they went secret clubbing around management and ended up being lost and chased by fans. THEY ARE SO CRAZY!1 they are back to their normal selfs! YAY!

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