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So, I have finally updated and I hope you all enjoy it. I keep getting sadder as I get closer to finishing it. It suprises me as it seems that I have been on here forever but it has only been like a week over a year. Thank you all for reading, even my silient readers. I have had hundered of votes and coutless, probably more, likes and fans and please comment and fan, it really does make my day :) now I'm going to go so thank you all!!!

I woke up to the two familiar arms around my body, giggling as I realized the boy is still asleep. I was surprised to find him there, yet I wasn’t at the same time. I turned over in his arms and cuddled into him, putting my head in the crook of his neck and smiled as I smelt his slightly chocolate smell mixed with a manly musk. He groaned as he pulled me closer. I chuckled as he slowly opened his sleep ridden blue eyes. He slightly smiled at me, not realizing the situation yet. But, I could tell when it hit him, how? Well, his eyes shot open in surprise. “Oh, I fell asleep, didn’t I?’ his husky morning voice reached my ears as he sounded slightly disappointed. I nodded my head and smiled at him.

“Ya, but I don’t mind. And, I love the flowers you bought me.” I said softly, grinning as he blushed.

“Well, I was going to ask you something last night and all; but now you’ll have to wait so I can plan to do it a different way.” He looked at the ceiling in thought, his eyes reminding me of the perfect ocean. I giggled as I made to get up. His arms only tightened as he realized what I was doing. I looked back at him as his eyes narrowed at me, not really making it look very scary. I held in my aw as he growled at me.

“Where do you think your going?” he grumbled out, pulling me impossibly closer.

“I was going to make you food, but ya know. I’m stuck in my bed by some unknown force, I’d say gravity but gravity doesn’t have blonde hair and sing.” I told him with a surprisingly straight face.

He immediately let me go and put his hands behind his head. “Oh, then by all means go and make me food.” I stood and stuck my tongue out at him. His eyes narrowed as he moved quickly to get out of bed. I squealed and ran out of the room as I heard his heavy footsteps chasing me. I got to the kitchen when an arm grabbed me. I felt his breath on my ear, sending shivers down my spine. “You’re not going to get away from me.” he whispered deeply in my ear, the voice was hot. Actually, it was so hot I had to strangely hold in a moan.

“Can you let me go now so I can make breakfast?” I asked quietly, trying not to let him see the effect that he has on me. He chuckled and let me go, walking out of the room and straight to the bathroom. I quickly made eggs and toast, five for him and three for me. I put it on the table as he came back in, his cell phone in his hand.

“I have a party today, and Saturday is the Kids Choice awards, but we have to fly out to it. So I leave Friday.” I could hear the sadness in his voice as he read the text, obviously from Liam or Paul.

“Well, eat and go. I have class today anyways, actually I have three. So I have to leave soon anyways.” I said before we both dug in, leaving a comfortable silence around us.

Halfway through the meal there was a pounding at the door. I got up to open it but it burst open, a wide eyed and excited teen stumbled in…..

{I was going to stop there to get the excitement going but I want to write !!!: )}

I was surprised to see the boy jumping around in excitement, his brown hair bouncing around. Now, I know your all going to think that it could be Louis, I mean that is who I would suspect. Of course Harry would be the next but it was neither. It was the normally calm teen, Liam Payne. I stood there with my mouth dropped. “GUYS, OH MY GOD! NIALL YOU’LL NEVER GUESS WHAT IS TRENDING ON TWITTER1 I AM SO FRICKIN EXCITED IF YOU CAN’T TELL!” He squealed as he ran over and hugged Niall, kissing his cheek. I laughed at the Niam moment and took a photo with Niall’s phone that was on the table. I went to twitter and started a tweet, waiting for what Liam’s excitement was for.

“Liam, tell me, what!” He started to slowly get excited as his friends behavior rubbed off on him.

“TOYSTORY FOUR! YOU HEAR THAT HORAN! OMG THEY MADE ANOTHER ONE!” He let go of Niall and jumped around my house some more.

@NiallOfficial: Liam’s reaction to Toy Story 4!! Twitpic.cohfe.herfuijre7642y….

I tweeted it as Niall tried to reign in the over excited 19 year old. As he finally calmed down he looked at us both. Suddenly getting up and going to leave. “I have to go get ready and call and tell Danielle the news. Sorry for the freak out even though Lou does it all the time.” I looked at the, now empty, door in bewilderment. I pinched myself to make sure I had just witnessed that.

Niall turned and smiled at me as he looked as if he tried not to laugh. “Did, but, he, what?” I made out of my mouth. I looked at him wide eyed as he started laughing really hard.

“I ……..thought ……I would ……never…….. See….. The day…….” He made out around the laughing. He stopped and went back to his food, surprising me even more.

God, it is too early for this.

I went and sat down to finish eating and going back into the silence. Finishing up at the same time as Niall. I put everything away as he started to leave. I walked him to the door as he said goodbye. As he walked out he turned around to me, smiling as he quickly pulled me in for a soft, fast kiss.

“Be ready at seven tonight, I’m taking you out.” He stated and left just as quickly as the kiss came. Even with the small two second kiss my body held a warmth that only his kisses seemed to give me.

I closed the door and went to my room to take a shower and get ready for English and music, wow I am glad I actually did my work last week….

I Wish (Niall Horan)*Completed*Where stories live. Discover now