Oh Gram....

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I woke up the next morning and looked at the clock, shit I’m late for a class. I jumped up and rushed around. Throwing on a pair of hot pink shorts and a white t. I slipped on black toms and rushed to collect everything for the two classes today. I have English and science, ya know the general classes you have to take. I rushed through the house grabbing a thing of mini muffins and ran out the door, hurriedly I locked it and jumped into the car. Making my way to class.

After class I was tired but I was also beach deprived, not going since the meeting with Niall there. I grinned at the thought of catching some sun, and possibly surf. I quickly went home to change, slipping on a white bathing suit, I was just about to leave when it started to rain.

Awwww, come on this has to be the worst luck yet. I sighed and went to slip on yoga pants and just walked around in the bikini top. Deciding to frost the cupcakes I made yesterday. They looked good, but I really had one judge I trusted for that…. Simon Cowell.

Ha, got you. That’s not my judge I have never even met the man. Though I think it would be scary and awesome at the same time to met him. Nah, I called Grandma who was still here, she was leaving the same day I do. I called her up, needing some family time too.

Finishing up frosting I heard the door open up. “MICKEY, GRANDMAS HERE!” I laughed at her entrance, she walked into the kitchen to find a cupcake on a plate and a caramel cappuccino waiting for her. “Well, I knew coming here would be worth it. But, who did you make the cupcakes for now?” I giggled as she sat and took a sip of her favorite drink that I love to make for her.

“I am meeting Dad’s girlfriend this weekend. Along with her kids, so I got bored and decided to make them my signature cupcakes.” I said, she looked at me sympathetically.

“I’m sorry, I know how much you hate your parents introducing them.” I chuckled at her as I made myself a cappuccino, sipping it as I took a seat with her.

“No, I hate when they date them for over a year and never mention it. Then I really hate it when they get married, don’t invite me, and my new parent is a bastard who doesn’t give a shit about me.” I answered jokingly.

“Ya, you’re right. At least he is inviting you down to met her while their dating, that shows he is serious about this one. Unlike the other ones. So, now tell me where he has decided to settle down?” she asked taking a chunk of the cupcake and closing her eyes in delight. She moaned as she put another piece in her mouth. “Oh god, you have to give one to Niall and I’m sure he’ll love you forever.”

I stared at her in shock. “Um, ok then… He moved to Napa Valley, bought a grape farm she he can make wine. What do you mean by love me?” I asked worriedly as she looked at me amusement flaring in her eyes along with delight.

“You love him, I can see it and, the way to a mans heart is through food. Well, that saying is true times ten for him. He sure can eat.” I giggled with her as she continued her enjoyment on my food.

“I leave tomorrow night, so I have to pack because I have a late class tomorrow. Maybe I’ll visit yours on the way back up.” I smiled as she nodded, her mouth still full of food. My phone rang and I looked to see who it was. Niall, I smiled as I told my grandmother I needed a second then walked out of the room.

“Hey Ni, what’s up?” I asked as I went into my bedroom.

“I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with me, tomorrow night?”

“I wish I could, but I’m going down to visit my dad for the weekend tomorrow night. Do you wanna do breakfast of lunch? I could cook it here.” I twirled my hair around my finger nervously, hoping he would say yes.

“Um, ok. Sure, we can do a dinner when you get back?” I could hear the hope in both of our tones as we spoke. It’s as if we are both desperate to see each other.

“Sure Niall, I’ll text you later. I have to go my Gram is over right now.” I looked to the other room to see her…. Texting? I chuckled as only she would.

“OK. I have to get back to rehearsal, text you.” he hung up the phone as I slowly walked back to the room, hanging up the phone when the annoying beeps started.

I got right behind her and saw a really long conversation on the phone with a guy named Henry…. Hmmm, “Who’s Henry Gran?” I asked, startling her.

“God, I may be cool but you almost gave me a heart attack. And Henry is my… Oh how would you put it.” she thought it over for a minuet as I sat down taking a drink. “Oh, he’s my fuck buddy.” I did a spit take as she said this.

“Is it even legal for someone your age to have one?” I coughed out as the feeling of wanting to throw up made it’s way to my stomach.

“Of course it is, and do you seriously think I have a fuck buddy. He is my brother, you know uncle Hen.” Oh, that made a lot more sense then… I shuddered just thinking about it.

“Grandmother, never say something like that again, I swear you should join Betty White on her TV show Off Their Rockers.” I said, still trying to get air into my lungs. She laughed and agreed with me, I looked at her weirdly as she went quite and back to her brownie. What am I to do with her?

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