31. Chapter - He is Perfect

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Seeing Oliver's current boyfriend was not something I wanted. When I decided to come here today, I was ready to have a proper conversation with Ollie alone. I managed to calm down before stepping into the shop so we could be civil with each other, but all my effort went out the window when I saw him. He wasn't even that hot! I couldn't understand what Ollie saw in him, and there was no way I would let such an average looking guy take away the only person that had ever meant so much for me.

When they went away and left me alone with Alison to wait for however long it would take, I was more than angry. I was ready to yell at him the moment he got back here, but Ali proved to be useful and helped me calm down again.

I knew she was right.

Discussing such a topic as me meeting my son wasn't something I should deal with while being angry. As much as I hated her for going with me, I was glad she did. I wasn't sure I would be able to surpass my anger if she wasn't here.

"Just concentrate on the little boy on the photo. I'm sure you'll be okay if you keep on thinking about him while talking. That's the only thing you can allow yourself to imagine while you'll be having the conversation, got it? You want to meet him, and that's it. Don't let your mind wander in different direction," she kept on saying, and even though it sounded logical, I wasn't sure I would be able to do that. Not with Ollie in front of me. Not with his boyfriend next to him, touching him and looking at him as if he was some kind of meat. I prayed for him to stay away and let us talk alone. There wasn't really any need for another person listening to us.

I knew I had to play it nice. Being aggressive definitely wasn't going to help my case, and even though I had the right to meet my son, Oliver was as hardheaded as me. If I wanted to make it happen sooner rather than later, I had to play by his rules, which meant I had to behave.

There were other ways to force him to cooperate, and getting a lawyer would be much easier considering this matter, but I wasn't a monster. I might be unyielding in many aspects, but I knew first-hand how parent's behavior and actions affected a child, and I wasn't going to do the same my father did. I sure as hell didn't want to hurt the child to just prove the point to Oliver, so there was not a chance of it happening.

Closing my eyes and breathing steadily, clearing my mind of everything insignificant, I listened to my so-called fiancée and concentrated on the picture of my son in my head. I had it engraved in my mind as I kept on staring at it for hours after Ollie gave it to me, so imagining it wasn't hard at all.

"Here they are," she whispered suddenly, starling me from my silent meditation.

It took a while for me to realize what her words meant, and my irritation from before was back full force. This conversation was supposed to be only between me and Ollie, and the guy coming with him didn't look like he was going to leave anytime soon.

"Calm down. You're not alone either, so it's only fair," Ali managed to say just before they came to the table and sat down.

I couldn't help but stare the guy down, wondering once again, what was so great about him. The only good thing I could figure out at the moment would be his age. I couldn't deny the fact he was younger than me, but that was all. Why did Ollie go for him? He looked so normal. Oliver was anything but ordinary, so this type of a guy definitely didn't suit him. I just couldn't imagine them working well together. It all seemed like a scene from a science fiction to me.

My analyzing was disturbed when he opened his mouth all of a sudden, and even his voice was extremely ordinary. It was like everything about him screamed boring from miles away, and it was starting to give me a headache. Oliver being with him didn't make any sense at all!

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now