21. Chapter - New Arrangement

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"Mr. McNemara?" a voice I didn't know sounded, disturbing my train of thoughts. It's been two days since my talk with Oliver, and I still couldn't get the picture of his crying face out of my mind. It's been tormenting me even in my sleep, resulting in my restless mind and exhausted body.

"Yes?" I asked, looking around at everyone in the room, waiting for the person to speak up again. We were currently checking over another project that was supposed to be presented in two days, and because of some idiot who decided to give it to a rookie, we had full hands with it. There were just too many mistakes and ambiguity.

"The calculation of initial outlay is all messed up. The numbers are too far from the calculations that were done in the draft proposal. We'll have to go over it again to figure out if there was a mistake or if the prices moved up over the time this was done," the same voice said, my eyes recognizing the person as the scrawny black haired guy right in front of me. Searching for the right paper in the pile in front of me, I felt my brows furrow when I saw the ridiculous numbers.

"Are you kidding me? How the hell did he came up with this sum? Even if the prices rose up by ten percent - which is impossible, by the way - this is just ridiculous. Is the guy who worked on this blind or something? He had to realize it was too much the moment he saw the figures." My voice rose with each word, and I was pretty sure half of the stuff was ready to cry by the expressions on their faces. But I couldn't care less. People working in this company should be responsible and capable of working individually without fucking up. But from what I've seen up until now, it was just bunch of useless idiots.

Readying myself to yell some more, the main door to the conference room was flung open, a face I didn't want to see for the rest of my life appearing in it. He was the last person I wanted to see right now, and he knew it very well.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I spat, my body growing cold and face turning to a stone-like expression. I knew there would be an argument between us, and for whatever reason it would be, neither of us would back down.

"Oh, come on, Victor, can't a father visit his long lost son? How long has it been since we saw each other? Two months? You're my only child; of course I would want to see you from time to time." He smirked, slowly strolling inside the room, stopping only after he reached the table.

"I heard you are swamped with work. May I be of any help?" he took a hold of one stack of papers, casually going through it with serious eyes.

"Useless," he grumbled, throwing it back on the table and sighed, looking at me with pitiful eyes.

"I can see why it's taking you so long to finish here. It was a good idea to send you here. Looking at this trash, we would be ruined in next few months." He came over to one of the chairs and sat down, grabbing another pile of papers to look at them.

"Why are you here?" I pressed, not caring for our audience. I didn't want him to bother me here. Just his presence was annoying the hell out of me and considering my mood and overall condition, talking to him was quite dangerous. He always brought out the worst out of me.

"As I said, I wanted to see you! I had some work in New York, so I made use of the situation and decided to visit you for few days." He smiled, putting the papers away.

"But you're right. There's something I'd like to discuss with you, so I hope you will accompany me and have dinner with me; preferably around six or seven in the evening. I have some plans later on." He stood up, not even waiting for my response.

"I'll be back around six, so be ready to go. You know how much I despise tardiness," father added, and without saying another word, left the room.

To say the mood in the room worsened was an understatement. If my yelling earlier made everyone feel like shit, my father's calm yet cold words ruined everyone's motivation to even lift one finger. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the people in the room were ready to resign.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now