32. Chapter - Father and Son

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I couldn't decide what was worse at the moment. If it was Matty being here, or if it was that big mouth of his speaking up. He was grinning, looking all careless and happy, unaware of the fact he just said something that could possibly ruin everything. I knew it would catch up to me in the future, but it never even occurred to me it would happen in this kind of situation.

Slowly turning towards Victor, I could feel my face draining of any color, my eyes meeting with his. He was staring at me with this confident look, and it was driving me crazy. He knew something was up, and that was exactly what I didn't want.

"Kyle, can you take Matt to the back and give him some ice cream? I need a minute," I asked, ruffling my son's hair and putting him back down. Dealing with this was bad on its own, having Matt here would just complicate things unnecessarily.

"I got it. Sorry, Ollie." Kyle turned, waving his hand on my little angle. I was glad my brother had at least some consideration left in him. If he refused and decided to argue with Victor, I would snap at him. There was no space for acting like little kids now, and it was reassuring to see Kyle understood it as well.

"Come one Matt, there's some ice cream waiting for ya!" he said, smiling, but Matty had a different idea. He looked from Kyle to me, looking weirdly thoughtful, and smiled mischievously. In normal circumstance, I loved that smile. He always looked so cute I ended up doing or forgiving him whatever he decided to do, but it was a completely different case today. It meant trouble, a huge one at that.

"I'll have the ice cream here!" He started to run, and before I managed to catch him, his small legs too fast for me, he was over at the table where Victor was staring at him with huge uncertain eyes.

"Matt," I started, unintentionally using a much harder voice than ever before. This whole predicament was giving me a headache, and I hated the fact I was affected by it so much. Matthias didn't deserve such an attitude from me, he didn't do anything wrong.

This was all my fault.

I sighed, shaking my head when I saw my little monkey stop and look at me with wide eyes.

"Kyle, can you ask Mel to bring the ice cream here? This is getting ridiculously stupid," I mumbled, not leaving any space for argument as I turned and walked towards the two men that changed my entire life so much.

Seeing Victor and Matty next to each other, no one could deny their resemblance. If I wasn't reminded of it every day I woke up and saw the little guy, I would be too shocked to speak.

When Matthias was born, I was praying for him not to look like Vic. I wanted him to look like me, or like a mixture of us at the most, but as he kept on growing, I knew my wishes wouldn't be granted. He looked more and more like his father with each year, and there was nothing to be done about that. I came to terms with it after some time. There was nothing threatening me or him, and I always thought if Victor didn't appear right in front of us, no one would put two and two together. I simply kept on living without caring too much about it.

It was completely different now, though. They were there, next to each other, and it was suddenly too real to handle.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down my trembling hands. This was too soon.

"Josh," I turned, looking at my fiancé with pleading eyes. I could see he was uncomfortable with everything happening around, and I felt horrible as I was about to make it even worse.


He raised his hand, smiling softly.

"I get it. Don't worry about it. I'll go on ahead and prepare us something to eat, alright? Maybe we could take a hot bath after, hm?" he came over to me, kissing me on my forehead.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now