10. Chapter - Angry Boyfriend

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Thanks to Alison's speech earlier that day, my head was full of Oliver. I couldn't get rid of the thoughts even though I tried my hardest to do just that. All of my memories of him were swimming in front of my eyes, making me feel things I didn't want to feel; things I didn't feel for several years. I saw it as clearly as if it was just yesterday; his handsome face with its cute smile and dimples he loved to show as much as possible, the sexy look he would give me every time he was trying to tease me when I was doing paperwork at home. I couldn't help but remember everything. It was all so vivid I couldn't stop the groan that escaped my lips. I remembered every angle of his body, every sensitive spot that could make him scream in raw pleasure. It was driving me crazy! Why couldn't Nelson just keep his mouth shut? The life would me much easier not knowing Oliver was so close by. With another man.

Damn it.

Gulping down the sixth glass of beer, I ordered another one and sighed when the waiter looked at me with a frown and doubtful expression.

"What?!" I growled, getting irritated with his attitude. I was a paying customer! As long as I was able to sit on that damned bar stool, I was okay, so he should avoid making faces like that.

"It's nothing," he said nonchalantly, smiling and placing another beer in front of me, taking the empty one away. He leaned against the bar counter and smiled at me, his eyes sparkling. He looked like little kid who just thought about something mischievous.

"You don't look like one of those pathetic drunkards that spent their every night sloshed. You just look worried, and alcohol makes all of your worries much worse. Trust me, I see people like that on a daily basis, and they always end up in an even worse state than before." His wide eyes and playful smirk showed me he was enjoying himself, and it pissed me off even more. The fucker was clearly mocking me and he wasn't even trying to hide it.

Standing up with an unnecessary force, I took my beer, glaring at him one last time, before turning away to look for a quieter place. He wasn't worth my attention. I wanted to be alone and fucking brood over my pathetic love life.

I wasn't expecting to find anything that would suit my idea, I was in a bar after all, but one rather dark and detached corner in the room caught my attention. It looked lonely and deserted. Without any hesitation, I started to walk in its direction. It looked exactly like a place for someone in my mood. Sitting down, I took a gulp of my beer and leaned against the wall behind me, closing my eyes and sighing heavily. I want this trip to be over.


A loud knocking followed by even louder shouting woke me up from the comfortable darkness of my sleep. I knew the moment I opened my eyes that I overdid it yesterday, and I regretted it immediately. It was more than a year since I was so drunk I had a hangover the day after, and just the thought of it made me feel so pathetic I wanted to drink again. Getting up slowly, I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, getting irritated at the shouting I could still hear behind the door.

"Shut the hell up, whoever you are, damn it!" I yelled, my head starting to pound a little. Thank God I had a day off today because if not, I would probably become a murdered by the end of the day.

I just grabbed my phone to see what time it was, when I heard the soft groan and rustling of sheets. I froze for a moment, trying to recall the events that happened last night, but my memories were all hazy. The last thing I remembered was ordering a glass of scotch after my ninth beer. And that was a big mistake. Why I mixed alcohol like that when I knew it always ended disastrous was beyond my comprehension.

Slowly, I turned around, looking at the person on the other side of my bed. I couldn't believe I actually brought someone back with me. Squinting at the person under the covers, I groaned when I realized it was a man.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu