25. Chapter - Numb

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I couldn't believe my eyes. He was just sitting there, looking all comfy and shit, and it just pissed me off. I wasn't in a mood to talk to him at the moment. I needed time. Time to get used to the news I just found out. He being here was the worst thing that could happen right now. I wouldn't be able to keep my cool. Not that I ever could, but it would be ten times worse than normally, which was not good. My anger could get the best out of me at times, and I was afraid this was going to be the case.

"So? How did you get in? You're not supposed to be here, Oliver. This is a private property, and you can't get in just like that. I could call a police right now," I said, but didn't mean any of that. I might be angry, even furious, but calling the police would make everything worse. All the papers and protocols that would have to be filled would make my mood even worse, so it wouldn't solve anything. Moreover, if he was willing to come here on his own, I could at least listen to what he had to say. I might get out of control, but he agreed to talk to me too, though it was because I threatened him, so he deserved my attention for the moment. 

"Here, I was told to give this to you if you had any problem with me being here," he mumbled, holding out his hand with a little piece of paper in it.

Frowning, I took the paper and sighted when I recognized the handwriting. That damned woman will be the death of me. The note was simple, but pretty clear and it made me even more irritated. I didn't need anyone sticking their nose into my business. Not now.


He's got interesting news for you.

Don't blame the poor receptionist. She was gone when I sneaked him in.

Love ya, hubby!

I crumpled the paper in my fist, gritting my teeth. I really hated her sometimes. She had this way of getting under my skin and doing everything in her power to make me mad, and it always worked. I really didn't understand why I was even friends with her.

"Alright, I guess Alison can be pretty demanding and persuading. You've got fifteen minutes at most." I glanced at him and turned to get behind my desk. Sitting there would give me a feeling this was kind of official, and I hoped I wouldn't get too angry whatever it was he wanted to talk about. Being official was almost like work, and whenever I was dealing with a tough partner or competition, I've almost never lost my head and tried to keep everything in a professional tone. It worked in nine out of ten cases, anyway.

Looking at him very carefully, I could see how his expression changed from nervous one to a panicked one in a matter of few seconds. He was fidgeting all the time, and his hands were trembling so much it was visible even from the distance that was between us. It looked like he really didn't want to talk, which made me curious. I've never seen Oliver act like this. Even when he caught me with the Charlie bastard, he was composed enough while talking to both of us. This was new.

And it was fucking scary.

"I-" he paused, rubbing his hands together.

"Ugh, damn!" He stood up abruptly, slowly starting to walk back and forth, looking at the floor. He was a nervous wreck, and it looked like he was mumbling something to himself while moving around. 

"First thing first," he stopped after a while, giving me an ugly but determined glare.

"You have no right to get pissed. I was pissed off, still am to be honest, and even though I should've probably told you, I just didn't want to be involved with you in any way. Not to mention your family is famous, and that would make everything worse. I hate publicity, and I didn't want to deal with paparazzi and all the annoying idiots hunting for a good shot," he babbled, talking so quickly I had a hard time understanding him.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now