40. Chapter - House

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I needed three days to deal with the whole situation about my father, and the fact he was using me in his dirty games. I wasn't exactly moping around doing nothing, though. I couldn't afford such behavior. But my productivity was at its lowest, and the work I did was nothing compared to my usual performance. But who could blame me?

With everything going on, I wasn't sure about anything anymore. The discussion I had with Nels about this went on forever, as we tried to come up with an explanation of why everything suddenly seemed to click together. But we didn't find anything except for what I already knew. My father was a manipulative bastard. Even Nelson had to admit it made sense and considering he had known my father for years now, there was no doubt about it. Everything had been planned from the beginning. I was trapped in that man's spider web, and there was no way of getting away.

When we left the coffee shop, all I wanted to do was to go to the closest bar and have a few glasses of some good liquor. I wasn't exactly sure why I didn't do it, but I didn't. Instead of that, I gave myself a moment to calm down and headed straight for the office with my best friend in tow. Thinking about it, the work might have actually helped me in getting my mind clearer so I could function without any real problem.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and now I was standing here, looking at the building in front of me, awestruck. I couldn't believe I seriously did it, but the evidence was right in front of my eyes.

I bought a house.

I didn't expect it to be so easy, and I definitely didn't expect I would find anything up to my taste so soon after I started looking. With everything happening, it almost seemed as if this house was waiting for me, which was a bit scary.

When I decided to look for a new place to stay at, the first location I went for was the suburbs. That was exactly how I imagined my future life when I was younger, and this particular idea stuck with me till this day. And here I was, staring at my dream house, hardly able to believe it was really happening.

The house itself wasn't really big or luxurious. If anything, it looked like any other family house in the neighborhood. There were six rooms in total, with an option to add another two instead of the attic that was now functioning as a typical throw-away space for unnecessary stuff. The ground floor had a big kitchen that was already fully equipped, a big bathroom with shower and bathtub, a living room and one bedroom. The rest of the rooms were on the first floor, with one additional bathroom and an entrance to the attic at the end of the hallway. The garden behind the house was enormous, which was one of the big factors that made me chose this house. There was a nice outside seating, perfect for barbeque gatherings, and a big enough space to play around with Matt.

I could already imagine the final look of the house after everything I planned was finished, and I couldn't wait. I couldn't believe I was actually the owner of a family house from now on. It felt surreal and almost as a dream.

Luckily, I was one hundred percent sure it couldn't be a dream because of the annoyance standing next to me.

I turned, looking at Nelson while frowning. He had been grumbling and mumbling incoherent words since the moment I told him I bought a house, and I couldn't understand why. Yes, it might have been a bit rushed, buying a house out of nowhere. But as I told him before, there was no way I would leave my family behind. I had a son here, for god's sake. There was no way I was going back to Chicago after this discovery. And why should I wait if I had the money for it?

"What's your problem?" I asked, not really angry. I was still high on the happy feelings of having a house here. There was no one who could ruin my mood at the moment. Not even my bastard of a father and that said a lot.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now