35. Chapter - This and That

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I was vibrating with excitement. I couldn't believe it was happening. Just the idea of having an opportunity to spend afternoon with my son and Oliver was unbelievable. There were still three days left to our agreed meeting, and it felt like forever.

It was middle of the night, and I was just sitting there, in the dark hotel room, staring at the ceiling. I had been sitting there since I came back from the café, thinking about nothing but them. I had only this one chance. If I fucked this up, I was done for.

There was always the option of taking Ollie to court to get custody, but as minutes ticked by, I was realizing it was the worst possible action I could take at the moment. The little guy would end up in pain and that wasn't something I was willing to do. I wanted to get to know him better. He was an amazing boy. I simply couldn't afford any kind of a mistake.

A sudden knock on the door startled me out of my thoughts, my heartbeat speeding up out of scare. It was quite late, so there were only few options of who it might be, none of it a pleasant one. Getting up with a heavy sigh, not really wanting to see anyone as my mind was overflowing with other information, I considered pretending to be asleep or gone. The person probably didn't need anything serious; otherwise, the knocking would be much louder and more urgent.

Just when I stopped, ready to turn around and go back, the knocking sounded again, together with a voice I wanted to hear the least.

"Victor! I know you're in there. The nice receptionist told me you came back a while ago. I need to talk to you." The tone of his voice was serious, almost harsh, making me irritated in a second. I didn't need the shit my father always came up with right now. I was in a great mood, finally getting somewhere, and he had to ruin everything by opening his mouth. Thanks, daddy.

Turning on the light, I opened the door to end up face to face with my least favorite person in the world. I hated him more than Oliver's current boyfriend, and that said a lot.

"What do you want?" I asked, going back to the room, his quiet footsteps following me in. It would be easier for both of us if he simply called, but he was most likely aware I wouldn't pick it up, so he chose this option. He was right, of course, but that didn't mean I had to like it.

"Can't I visit my only son to ask how he's doing? You had to have quite a shock when you read through the documents I gave you. You and your stupid questions every time we meet." I could hear his smile and it pissed me off even more.

Stopping, I looked at him, my nostrils flaring in anger.

"Stop this bullshit and tell me why you are here. We both know you never come to talk to me unless you need something. You just ruined my evening completely, so I don't have patience for these games you like to play," I growled, waiting for his answer. As lovely as my mood was before, right now, all I wanted was to have a glass of some good liquor. Just seeing this man's face made me want to get drunk.

"Right. You were probably too occupied by thinking about your son," he said and I could feel blood rushing to my head. I did think about the possibility of him knowing about Matt all this time. If he had the files, he sure as hell could know more. But I still had a little hope. A hope I regretted having right this moment, and I cursed myself for it. I knew very well how this man worked and what he did most of the time. I knew his character. I was aware of the dirty things he did in order to get to the place he was at. And despite all that, I was still so stupid to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Not being able to surpass it, I laughed, the bitterness in it audible miles away. This was seriously ridiculous.

"So you knew all this time?" Laughing again, I made few steps forward until I was standing just few inches from him.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now