27. Chapter - I have a son.

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I had a son.

Just the thought itself made my head spin. I simply couldn't wrap my mind around that information. How could there be a little being in this world, my own blood, without me knowing about it? He had to be five years old by now. A big boy.

It was simply crazy.

"Matthias," I whispered so no one would hear me, his name resonating through me so strongly I almost gasped.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't stop looking at the photo of him. He was smiling, eyes sparkling happily, and it made my heart ache in a weird way. This feeling was so foreign to me I started to think my body had finally snapped because of all the alcohol. I was probably about to have a heart attack or something. I wouldn't even be surprised if it happened, considering all the stress I went through in the past few days.

I'd never even though about having children, not seriously anyway, so being told I had a son was too much of a shock. I literally didn't know what to do with it at the moment. How did one deal with such an overwhelming range of emotions? There was no way I could cope with it, not without help. And the only help I could think about and approach at the moment was the brown liquid in the glass in front of me.

Looking at it intensely, it was almost hypnotizing. The color was calling me, whispering to stop thinking and just drink it, tempting me in with its alluring smell. I knocked it back, not feeling even remotely bad about it and asked the bartender for another one. I could feel the scotch burning its way down my throat, slowly stupefying my senses, but that didn't stop me from having another glass. Forgetting everything was exactly what I wanted at the moment. It was exactly what I needed.

"Darling, I'm not sure drinking more than this is a good idea. You look quite out of it already," sounded a sweet voice next to me, making me frown and turn to the owner of it. A petite brunette was looking at me with almond shaped eyes, her big breast too close to my face. If I was straight, I would definitely enjoy it. That much was for sure. With the way I was, though, it was impossible.

"Excuse me?" I asked, not really caring I sounded rude. There was no way I was spending my night with some horny woman who wanted to jump me. My day had been bad enough even without a needy bitch.

"I said-"

"I know what you said," I interrupted her, looking her straight in the eyes.

"I just don't see how it's any of your business. We are complete strangers, and if this is your way of flirting or trying to get my attention, you are failing miserably. So stop talking to me," I grumbled, turning away and taking a hold of the newly poured drink.

"What-" she started again, making my eye twitch in irritation. Luckily, her other words got stuck in her throat as another person stepped right in between us.

"I believe the gentleman told you to leave him alone." This time, it was much deeper voice, which suited my taste way better. Turning, ready to use everything in my power to get the guy spent some time with my, I almost choked on my salvia when I realized it was Nelson.

"What the hell man. I was ready to take you to a hotel. Don't scare me like this." I frowned, shaking my head disappointingly. I could use a distraction, and this got my hopes up unnecessarily.

"What's stopping you?" he asked, grinning like an idiot he was. As if I could do that. Even if he wouldn't be straight as a pole, he was my best friend. Sleeping with people close to me was off limits. Especially when I wasn't planning on having a relationship with them. I did that once back in high school, and it ended up disastrously. There was no way I would ever risk doing it again.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now