19. Chapter - Not a Hotel Room

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I knew I colossally screwed up when I woke up in a room I didn't recognize. I realized the situation was even worse when I sat up and looked around. It definitely wasn't a hotel room. There were photos and many personal things all around the room, which could mean only one thing. I went home with someone.

The situation couldn't be more fucked up.

Yesterday got out of control when Oliver left. I couldn't get the picture of his teary eyes out of my mind, and it was driving me crazy. And the only thing that helped was the burning pleasure of the first-rate scotch they so kindly offered me at the bar. I had a vague idea of what was happening until I drunk my fifth glass of it. After that, everything was gone, a total blackout.

Groaning, I got up from the bed and searched for my clothes. Apparently, I was naked, once again. After five minutes of looking around and coming up with nothing, I sighted and took a pillow to hide at least my private parts. I had no idea who I would find outside the room, and I didn't want to risk anything. Who knew whose this house was.

Slowly walking through the corridor, not forgetting to observe my surroundings, I stopped, my eyes going wide. I could hear voices coming from behind the slightly open door right in front of me. The only problem was, it were women's voices. My heart stopped for a minute. There was just no way I went home with a woman, two of them even. That had to be a dream.

Letting out a long sight, I came closer and opened the door a bit more, so I could look inside to see who exactly was there. My jaw dropped open when I saw one of the women laugh and chat happily with the other one.

"What the hell?" I opened the door more, so I could walk through it, and went in, not caring if any of them would see me. I was too confused and angry for that.

The two women stopped talking, their eyes turning to me. The familiar green ones going from shocked to amused ones.

"Well look at this. Our sleeping beauty woke up. Finally. What took you so long, Vicky? Hard night?" Alison's sweet voice rung in my head, making me cringe. She was too loud so soon in the morning.

"Why are you here and where am I? What happened?" I asked, going over to them and sitting down next to Al.

Both of them giggled, my lovely fiancée smirking when she turned to me.

"You don't remember? But how could you, right? After the amount of alcohol you got into that endless stomach of yours." Her expression hardened.

"You got wasted. Like totally wasted. You weren't able to stand up without falling down. You were lucky the bartender got a hold of your mobile phone and saw my number. We are going to have a talk about the fiancée monster business later, by the way. It was almost three in the morning, you moron. I was already asleep! And you woke up Aisha as well! This is my cousin, by the way. We are at her place right now."

The woman next to her smiled, greeting me with a slow wave of her hand.

"Anyway, the bartender had to help us get you in the taxi. You better give me the fifty bucks I gave him as an apology!" she grunted, shaking her head dramatically.

I couldn't really blame her for being irritated. I was, too, and it wasn't me who had to look after a drunkard.

"Okay, I think I got that part. So, mind telling me why I'm naked?" I looked down on the pillow still hiding my most intimate parts, wondering why I ended up in this state. There was no way I would take off my boxers. Not a chance when I was as drunk as Alison said I was.

Ali suddenly giggled, looking at her cousin once again. The woman looked weirdly amused, and her eyes fell down on the pillow, not even trying to hide it. If that was anything to go by, she was just as bad as Alison, and that was not a good news. One of them was enough for me at the moment.

"First of all, all your clothes had to be washed because you fell in the bar, more than once, so you ended up dirty. And secondly," she paused, giggling again.

"I couldn't help myself. You just asked for some kind of trouble by drinking so much, and this seemed like the best way to pay you back for bothering so many people."

Standing up, she stepped right in front of me and took my face in her warm palms.

"You have to stop doing this. You might feel like it's helping you, but all you are doing is hurting yourself. You're going to ruin your health, and I'm sure you don't want that, Victor." I looked away, starting to feel even more irritated with her. I needed coffee and sugar, not her babbling.

"You were already fine, Vic. Why are you doing this again? Is it your ex? Is it really so bad, after so many years?" she asked, but I've had enough at that point.

"I'm fine. Just step back. Is there a way to get a coffee and something to eat? And I want my clothes as well." I stood up, waiting for one of them to answer.

It took several minutes before Ali sighed and led me to the kitchen without any other word, just her head shaking.


It's been almost five minutes since Nelson started to laugh, and I was really considering throwing him out of the fucking window. I shouldn't have told him what happened. I should've expected this reaction.

"Shut up, you prick. You're annoying!" I grunted, leaning against the chair. My head was throbbing since morning, and even the pills were useless. Thank god I managed to go through the papers on Saturday. I wasn't in any shape to work at the moment.

"Sorry, but-" he stopped, unable to suppress the laugher.

"I can't stop imagining you in that situation. Not to mention she stripped you naked. This is just hilarious." He started to laugh again, ducking the binder I threw at him.

"Now, now. You know I love you, Vic. And I would gladly talk seriously with you right now. But I know you too well to even try. You are in no mood to talk, so let me have this moment of laugher for now, okay?" he smiled, lying in a bed and humming carelessly.

He was right. I wasn't in a mood to talk. But that didn't mean he could keep on laughing like an idiot and irritate me even more than I already was. I should really stop telling him everything. It always ended the same way.

Standing up, I came over the small fridge in the room and took out a glass of unidentified liquid. Pressing it against my temple, it took a lot not to moan out of relief.

"It didn't go well," I mumbled, catching Nelson's attention. He sat up, his face losing all of the amusement it had a second ago.

"I kind of figured, based on the party you had last night. What happened?"


I know it might seem as a filler chapter, but it's not. There is some information that is kind of important! ^.^


So, how was it?

Did it feel rushed or anything?

I hope you enjoyed reading it! I'll try my best to finish the next chapter sooner! ^.^

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now