20. Chapter - Promise

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I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe I finally knew the reason for my pain. I couldn't believe his reason was so selfish. I just couldn't believe he ruined our relationship because of some jerk who wanted to provoke him.

We never had a problem talking to each other before. We always shared all bad and good things in our lives. How could he throw everything away just because of one person who he didn't even know?

Gritting my teeth, I tried to stop the sobs that were threatening to escape my lips. I knew he wasn't worth my tears, not anymore. But knowing why he hurt me so much, knowing I couldn't do anything about it because he didn't even bother to talk to me, was just too much to deal with at the moment.

Staring out the window, I couldn't stop the tears that were falling down my eyes. Kyle was, for once, considerate enough to keep quiet, and I was happy for that. If he asked me even one question, I would probably end up sobbing, and by the time we arrived back home, I would be a huge mess. Josh didn't need to see me in a state like that; even my tears were enough to make him uncomfortable. He was great at comforting me and all that, but he always ended up feeling bad himself, and I didn't want something like that.

"We're here. Will you be alright or should I go with you?" my brother asked, startling me from my deep thoughts. I was thinking so hard I didn't even notice the car stopped moving. Turning to him, I smiled, reaching out for the door handle.

"It's okay. I'll see you later, Kyle. Thanks for tonight," I said, my voice weirdly hoarse. Getting out of the car, I looked at my brother one last time, waved, and started my way towards our house.

Looking at the door in front of me, I took a deep breath to calm down, but failed miserably. In no way could I come back home and smile at Josh as if nothing happened. That was just impossible. Shaking my head, I took out my keys and opened the door. I couldn't delay this any longer. There was no point in it.

Walking down the corridor, I noticed it was unusually quiet. I could hear a soft murmuring of TV coming from the living room, but except for that, there was nothing.

"Josh?" I called, starting to get a bit worried. I couldn't imagine him being gone or ignoring me. He definitely had to hear me entering; especially the ringing sound of my keys falling into a glassy bowl.

Walking to the kitchen, I turned on the lights and looked around. It was surprisingly clean. Usually, there would be a bowl or few glasses lying around, but the kitchen counter was void of any dirty dishes.

Smiling to myself, I took off my jacket and walked to the living room, finding my fiancé and son sleeping on a sofa. The television was on, playing some kind of documentary about animals, and I couldn't help but feel relieved for some unknown reason. Just seeing my family made me feel ten times better, and I felt like everything would be okay again. Smiling now seemed much easier than a minute ago.

I knew, deep down, there was no way our lives would be the same as before. Knowing I could meet Victor whenever he felt like it because of his knowledge about my workplace, I was aware of the risks. He could find out about Matty any time of the day. But I could stress about that tomorrow. Now, all I needed was my family and their love.

Going over to the sofa, I sat down next to Josh and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.

"I'm home," I said, my voice a bit louder than normally. He was, after all, a heavy sleeper.

Hearing a soft murmur, I chuckled when I realized I woke up the wrong guy.

"Daddy?" my angel's voice sounded, his small fingers rubbing his sleepy eyes.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now