16. Chapter - Present and Past

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The tension in the air was terrible. I knew it would be a complete disaster to tell Kyle and Josh about the situation I found myself in, but this was beyond my imagination. I was glad Matty was at my parents' right now. A year after I left Chicago, they decided to follow me and moved to Boston as well. I was so shocked because they just appeared in front of me one day, telling me we would be almost neighbors, I thought I was dreaming. 

"Look," I started, but the murderous stare my brother sent my way, and Josh's lifted hand showing me to shut up was enough to make me stop. I sighed and took a sip of my already lukewarm coffee. I hated lukewarm coffee. The taste of it was just disgusting.

"Oliver, how could you be so stupid to agree to meet him? Are you crazy? He threatened you, for god's sake!" Kyle said, his voice full of contempt and anger.

After the incident all those years ago, my brother considered Victor his number one enemy. Even mentioning his name when he was close by became a big no-no. Thinking back, I should've probably called Dylan or even Melanie. But it was too late now, and I had to deal with the situation as it was.

"It's because he threatened me I agreed. He could ruin me, even you, without breaking a sweat. I can't risk it." Looking straight into his eyes, I smirked.

"That doesn't mean I'll follow his every word as an obedient puppy. I called you for a reason so let me explain what exactly I want to do, okay?"

I looked at Joshua, giving Kyle a clear signal I was finished with him for the moment.

"I know I should've told you what happened right after he left, but I was still in shock, and I needed to deal with it before telling you. I needed to be as calm as possible because I knew you wouldn't be fine with it. Your reaction would just add to my stress, and that was the last thing I needed at that moment. I never planned to keep it from you. Small lies like this can ruin a relationship, and I love you too much to let this come between us. I won't let him ruin my love life again." I smiled, putting my hand on Josh's, caressing it with my thumb.

When he turn his hand up and squeezed mine, a reassuring smile playing on his lips, I knew everything was okay. This man was just perfect.

"Now," I looked from one another, "I called Kyle because I want him to go with me. Before you start protesting against it, let me explain." I looked back at Josh because I knew he wanted to be the one to come with me. He could be nice and all, but he was a jealous type, and knowing I was going to meet my ex would definitely rub him the wrong way.

"I want Kyle to go with me because although he hates Victor, and he will most likely make a scene, having you face him would be much worse. I don't have any desire to talk to him, but I need to, to make him go away. You would end up arguing together, and Victor would probably take it as a challenge so he wouldn't leave."

Turning my attention back to Kyle, I smiled a little because he was throwing me one of his roguish smirks, which meant he was satisfied with the situation so far.

"I don't want to go alone because he pissed me off. He expects me to listen to him just because he's rich, and I don't want to give him that kind of satisfaction. He didn't tell me to come alone, so he can't really complain." I returned Kyle's smirk, but even though I was somehow happy with my plan, deep down, I couldn't help but feel nervous and scared. I hate cheaters, and I don't want to have anything to do with him ever again, but he still looked so handsome it hurt. And there was the matter with Matthias too. I could just hope everything would go smoothly, and he would get out of my life for good.


It was Sunday afternoon, almost 4 P.M., and I was growing more and more nervous. Kyle was supposed to meet me at half past five so we could eat something before heading to meet the dickhead, but with my nerves driving me crazy, I wasn't sure I would be able to swallow anything.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now