Prologue - part 2

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When I got out of the building, I felt unusually cold, even though it was still only mid-September

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When I got out of the building, I felt unusually cold, even though it was still only mid-September. I guess the situation I was in sucked every warm feeling I had ever had out of me.

I pulled out my phone and dialed my brother's number.

"Yeah?" I heard Kyle's gruff voice on the other line, and just the sound of it made me lose it. My body started to tremble and quiet sobs escaped my lips.

"K-kyle," I hiccupped and tried to control my stupid emotions and body, but my effort was useless. I was ready to break down in the middle of a street in front of my ex's apartment. I would gladly leave and never come back again. I refused to fight for that place, just the imagination of staying there after what I saw made me sick. He could bring over a whole bunch of people now. I didn't care anymore.

"Ollie? Ollie, what's wrong? What happened? Why do you sound like you're crying?" Kyle was panicking, and I could hear really loud noises over the phone. He was probably running around the house and searching for clothes so he could get on the road as soon as possible. The last time I called in the middle of the night was when I was in high school five years ago. At that time, one of my friends got into a terrible accident and we needed help.

Kyle knew I wouldn't call this late unless it was an emergency situation.

"Can you-" I stuttered and took a deep breath. "Can you pick me up, please? I'm in front of Victor's. I need a place to crash at for few days," I whispered and the line became deadly silent.

Everyone in my family knew my opinion on cheating. And because I never needed to stay out of the apartment even if we had a big argument that led to us not talking for few days, there was only one thing that could happen to make me leave.

The conclusion was clear.

Victor cheated.

And Kyle realized it.

"That son of a bitch! I'm going to kill him!" he growled and slammed the door, the sound too loud for me to miss it.

"Just hurry up. I want to go home," I sobbed and hung up. I sat down on the stairs leading to the apartment building and waited.


I had been sitting there for like 10 minutes when I heard loud stomping and opening of the door. I turned around to look who was going out this late and was surprised to see Victor's boy. When he noticed me, he stopped and backed away, his face turning pale in the process.

I sighed exaggeratedly.

"I'm not going to beat you up, so just calm the fuck down and go away," I grumbled and turned my head back to face the road. Kyle should be here any minute.

"I'm sorry," he whispered after a few seconds and came near me.

I didn't look at him. I couldn't.

"Look. I know it's not your fault. You are just too naïve or stupid or whatever you want to call it and trusted Victor's every word, but right now...I can't talk to you normally. Even though I told you I won't beat you, I still want to do just that. You should probably leave. You don't have to feel bad. You didn't know. The only bad guy here is that damn bastard, so don't let it get to you," I said and then frowned.

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