15. Chapter - Work, Dinner, Reality

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Waking up with a fucking headache wasn't a good start to a new day. But having your best friend blather about bullshit since morning was ten times worse. I was sitting in my office, going over a project that would be presented on Monday, while Nelson kept on talking about nothing. Normally, I would ignore it and continue working without a care, but with my headache and tomorrow's meeting with Oliver, I just couldn't. Tossing the papers I was currently reading away, I glared at him.

"Can you shut up for a second? I need to work. If you don't plan on helping me, just go away. I have to finish it by this evening. I can't come to work tomorrow, and the project has to be approved of me before presenting it to the representatives on Monday. The meeting is at 9 in the morning. I'm not sure I'll be able to make it on time, so I need to make sure they won't talk shit. It's one of the reasons I had to come here on Saturday in the first place. I can't fuck this up. Do me a favor and leave me alone for few hours, okay?" I said, waiting for his response in hopes he would listen to me for a change.

The idiot smirked, and although there was a minute of silence, he opened his mouth again. At times like this, I wasn't sure why I kept him around.

"Someone has a hangover and is nervous from meeting the love of his life," he sung, his voice unnecessarily sweet.

The fucker was mocking me.

Standing up, I stomped my way towards the coffee maker and poured myself a cup. It was already the third one I had in a span of four hours, but there was nothing more I could do in attempts to not feel so shitty. Coffee was the only thing that helped at least a little bit.

"Can you stop? I knew I should've kept my mouth. Why the hell do I keep on telling you everything even though I know you will annoy me with it to no end?" I grumbled, leaning against a cabinet the coffee machine laid on. I probably could take a break for few minutes. I didn't take one since I came to the office.

"Come one, Vicky. You know you love me. I'm your best friend for a reason. I just can't get over the fact you fucked up so hard! I expected it to go wrong, but you surpassed my expectations. Threatening him? That's too much even for you. I know you are unbending when it comes to business, but this is your personal life we are talking about. Not to mention you ended up drinking again. You should really slow down with that one. Getting drunk won't solve your problems, and you know it." Nels' smile disappeared, his forehead showing several wrinkles of worries.

Sighing, I took a sip of my coffee and closed my eyes, tilting my head left and right to stretch my neck muscles.

"Stop scowling, Nels. You look like a pissed-off mother, and it's disgusting." I hated when he looked at me like that, like I was some stupid child who needed to be looked after. I was an adult man, a successful one at that, and he didn't have to give me this attitude.

"Yeah, I know. But you are ruining your health and that's not okay, so if you don't want me to look at you like this, you will have to reflect on your actions and change your ways. You now me, Victor, I won't change. I've been like this since we met and you telling me to stop never made me. When will you finally realize it?" His tone was too sweet to take it seriously; it pissed me off.

I was ready to yell at him and throw his sorry excuse of an ass out of my office, when there was a sudden loud noise as the door was flung open, startling me for a second, my lovely fiancée storming in the room. She looked perfect as always, with her hair done up in a complicated braided bun, tight emerald-green dress going down to her knees and high heels of the same color, emphasizing her long lean legs. Every time I saw her like this, I pitied every straight man out there. She was epitome of beauty. And she hated it about herself because everyone wanted her for just one thing, a thing she didn't really enjoy and didn't have any desire to do.

"We are going out tonight, and you're inviting me to a dinner. I don't care where we are going to go, I'm bored and I want your attention. I'll be waiting for you down at the reception exactly at 7 P.M., so don't you dare forget about me," she said, smiling sweetly and sitting in a chair right across of Nelson.

Great, as if Nelson wasn't enough. I didn't need another annoying element in my life at the moment.

"Alison, why are you here? I have work to do. If you wanted to go for a dinner, you could've called me or something. By being here, you are distracting me, and it will take me more to finish my work." I drank the remaining coffee in one go, throwing the cup in the bin. Going home and sleeping the day away seemed like a better idea with each passing second.

"Don't be like this, Vicky. I was bored and it's Saturday! And it's been so long since we were somewhere together. It will make the paparazzi satisfied for the time being." She got back up, smiling cheekily as she went straight towards me and planet a kiss on my cheek.

"I'll be waiting!" Chuckling, she turned around and left the office with the same grace she came in.

Looking at the door for few more seconds, I had no idea why she had to come here and didn't just use the fucking phone. It wasn't like I wouldn't pick up the phone. I always picked all of my phones, unless I was in a situation I couldn't.

"Damn, she is as wild as ever. I'd love to have a piece of her." Nels said, his eyes looking in the same direction mine did a moment ago.

"You wish. As if she didn't have enough people after her ass already." I walked back to the desk, sitting down and getting into the work again. I needed to finish it as soon as possible.


"It was delicious! How did you find the restaurant? And the atmosphere there was so warm and cozy. We have to go there at least one more time before leaving Boston!" Alison kept on talking on our way, and I started to regret I didn't call a taxi for her. I needed to go back to the office to fetch some documents, and although the way there wasn't long, her nonstop talking was starting to drive me crazy.

"Ali, please. Can you shut up for a moment? I'm tired and my mind is a mess. I need a moment for myself, which is impossible if you don't stop opening your mouth," I cried out, not being able to hold it in any longer. I loved her, she was a great friend, but she was so unbearable sometimes, it wasn't even funny. Now that I thought about it, she was like a Nelson in a woman version.

"Oh god! That's just disgusting. Why the hell am I imagining things like that?!" I groaned, wishing I could erase my memories of last five few seconds.

"What?" Ali looked at me, confused.

Groaning again, I looked round the street to see how many people were close enough to hear us. I wasn't really sure I wanted others to hear what I was about to say to her. Not to mention there was a possibility some idiotic reporter was close by.

Seeing just few people in front of us, who looked too busy either making out or talking, I turned to Alison, ready to have a conversation she would never forget, when her eyes widened in shock and she gasped.

"What now?" I asked, looking in the same direction she did, not really seeing anything out of ordinary.

"Hey, Vic, I'm not too sure as all I've ever seen were old photos, but isn't that your ex?" she pointed towards the person not far away from us, who was holding hands with another man and laughing to something he said.

And she was right. There, just few feet away from us, stood Oliver, happily chitchatting with some bastard who was smiling at him as if he was the best thing in his life. The feeling surfacing from my absolute depthsas I was looking at them was something I've never felt before. It was dark and disgusting, making methink about many terrible things I'd like to do to the other man who wastouching Ollie. I was jealous. And I hated that feeling so much it hurt.


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Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now