26. Chapter - I miss you

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My head was spinning. I've been imagining this conversation for years. Since the first time I found out I was pregnant, I couldn't stop fantasying about how he would react if I told him. If he would be happy or sad. If he would cry and beg me to take him back, or if he would think I was lying and sent me to hell. But most of all, I couldn't stop wondering whether he would be interested in Matt's life or not.

When our breakup was still fresh, I couldn't help but dream about meeting him with a belly big enough to recognize it. I might've been strong when breaking up with him, but such a long relationship was hard to let go. Every time he called me during the week after was a torture. I had to ask Kyle to take my phone away after two days of his constant calling because I was afraid I would pick it up at some point. Just remembering the weakling I was in the past made me feel sick.

Shaking my head to get rid of the bitter memories, I went back to few moment ago.

The reaction I got from him was, to say the least, confusing and nerve-racking. I expected the worst, and got something I didn't know how to work with. If he got angry, furious even, I was ready to react. I was ready to shout back and defend myself. If he laughed and told me I was ridiculous, I was ready to let him to think whatever he wanted to. But with what he did and said, there was nothing to do. All I was left with was confusion and a huge guilt trip that was sure to come at night, and it was making me irritated. Why he wasn't surprised I could have a child even though I was a man was beyond me.

And I didn't plan on thinking too much about it, not now. All I wanted to do at the moment was leave the building and never come back. To go home, make myself a cup of hot chocolate and forget everything while watching some stupid chick flick or something.

Making my way out of there, I was surprised to meet the reason I had to go through all that sitting in the lobby. She was typing on her phone, but her eyes shot up when I was close enough, as if she knew I was coming.

"That was fast! How did it go?" Alison hopped up and came to me, eyeing me with undisguised hunger for some information.

Seeing her now was not making the situation any better for me, and I sure as hell wasn't planning to tell her anything. She had to be out of her mind if she thought I was going to tell her anything. Did I look like an idiot to her?

"Why don't you ask your future husband? I'm sure he will have more to say than me," I retorted, continuing on my way out. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Just standing in the building that belonged to Victor McNemara caused me a headache.

"Aw, come-on!" she called after me, the clacking of her high heels echoing through the hall. I couldn't help but smack her hand away when she grabbed my shoulder, turning to her with an angry scowl.

"Leave me alone. You've done your deal here. You have nothing to threaten me with anymore, so don't expect me to cooperate with you. I hope you're happy with yourself. You just possibly ruined my and Matt's life. Victor won't let this go and you know it." I gritted my teeth and stormed out of the building, feeling angry tears gather in my eyes. This whole situation was worse than any nightmare I have ever had.

And it was sure to become even worse.


Sitting in the living room, drinking the hot beverage, I felt extremely lonely. The house seemed too big all of a sudden, and the darkness of an approaching storm that fell over the house was suffocating. I've never felt like this before, not in this house, and it made me twice as stressed. This was supposed to be my home, a place where I would feel safe and could relax even after a hard day. What I was feeling at the moment, though, was everything but.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now