7. Chapter - Damn Smart People

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The chapter goes back to the moment Ollie meets Nelson in the shop.

I couldn't believe I was looking at Nelson Peterson standing in the doorway of my shop

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I couldn't believe I was looking at Nelson Peterson standing in the doorway of my shop. What kind of stupid joke was this? Why the hell was he in Boston? Why, of all places, did he have to come to my shop? There were hundreds of Coffee shops in the city, and he had to choose this one. And if he had to come here, why couldn't he arrive half an hour later? I would be gone, and this situation would never happen. What a cruel twist of fate. The last thing I needed was someone from my dark past to find out where I worked. It was too dangerous for more than one reason. I groaned, turning away and hoping he would somehow miraculously overlook me. The last time we saw each other was a bit over five years ago. I prayed to God he wouldn't remember what I looked like, knowing it was impossible considering I recognized him the moment our eyes met.

"Oliver?" he asked, and I internally face-palmed. As I thought, it was only wishful thinking. I wasn't lucky enough to be spared this unpleasant walk down memory lane.

Taking a deep breath, I plastered a somehow passable smile and turned back to face him. He never did anything bad to me, and I considered him a friend back then. I should probably greet him properly and talk to him a bit. He was a good guy, and I was surprised he managed to keep his easygoing character and good nature despite his involvement with Victor. They were friends for so many years it was surprising Victor's personality didn't influence him in any way. The only bad thing he had ever done to me was keep quiet about Victor cheating on me. I understood they were best friends, but I still couldn't forgive him completely.

"Nelson! It's been forever. What brings you to Boston?" I asked, trying to sound as natural as possible, but was sure I didn't manage as well as I would like to. Knowing what I knew, it wasn't surprising.

I remembered enough to know nine out of ten times his business trips were co-joined with Victor. And considering that, together with my luck, I was almost one hundred percent sure Victor was in Boston too. And seeing as Nels visited my Café this early in the morning, their office had to be close by. Which made me scared shitless. Not because I didn't want to see him, which was at the top of my list of things I never wanted to experience. No. It was because, on some days, the caretaker that took care of Matty after kindergarten brought him over to the shop so he could wait until I finished. It was my idea because I wanted to be with Matthias as much as I could. But with Nelson here, I would have to tell Tara to stop doing that for some time. I couldn't risk anyone close to Victor would spot Matty. He was, after all, a spitting image of him, and anyone who ever interacted with Vic for more than five minutes would immediately realize there had to be a blood connection between them. And I couldn't let that happen.


"It's really you, Oli! It's been years! How have you been? You look great!" He walked over and hugged me, almost squeezing the life out of my smaller body. Remembering his touchy-feely persona all too late, I grumbled, trying to get away from him. I completely forgot he liked to get physical with his friends. It was one of the things that irritated me about him.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now