18. Chapter - The Reason

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My mind went blank for few seconds, and it took me a while to figure out what the man in front of me just said. His words didn't make sense at first, and I had to replay them in my mind for more than once to understand their meaning.

Why the hell would he force me to meet him just so he could tell me something like that? It was five years ago! I didn't need an explanation now! Whatever his reasons were, he cheated, end of story. He could never change that. There was nothing that could make me feel less angry and disgusted.


"Are you kidding me right now? I don't want to hear it. Why would you even think it was a good idea? It won't change anything! The cheating won't disappear, Victor," I said, louder than I wanted to, and sighed. This was ridiculous.

"God, who the hell is this close person to you? Are they stupid or something?" I said, unable to keep quiet. How could someone think this talk would help either of us? The only thing it would do was open old scars, nothing else.

"If she heard you, you would be a dead man by now." He chuckled, catching me off guard. I didn't expect him to find any fun in this kind of situation. It wasn't funny.

I glared at him, making him stop, his serious expression back on.

"Sorry. It's Alisson, my," he paused, looking uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"My fiancée," he said, making my eyes widen against my will. I knew he was bisexual, so it shouldn't be such a surprise for me, but I couldn't help myself. I was so used to him being with men, I totally forgot about the fact he played for both teams.

"Right, you like women as well. I almost forgot," I mumbled, regretting it immediately. It sounded as if I was jealous, which wasn't the case at all. I looked at him, searching his face for any indication he took it the wrong way. I didn't need him getting weird thoughts. Just knowing he knows I live here and work here was a tragedy big enough.

"It's not like that. We got engaged because of our fathers. It's supposed to be a business marriage. She is asexual, and I'm not as bisexual as I thought in the past. Women don't work for me anymore. I think they never really did, not emotionally. But it doesn't matter right now." He shook his head and took a sip from his coke, drinking half of it in one go. He looked weirdly dissatisfied after placing it down, but didn't say anything. It wasn't really important. Not after what he just told me.

"Yeah, right. And that's why you never had a problem getting it up for them, huh?" I froze after I realized what nonsense just left my mouth, shaking my head.

"You know what, ignore that last part. We are not here to discuss your sexual life or crisis, or whatever you want to call it. Say what you need to say so I can leave." Leaning against the chair I was sitting in, I looked at him in anticipation. He couldn't tell me anything that would make me feel bad for my actions back then. Even if he had been threatened by someone to cheat on me, it would not excuse his behavior.

His brows furrowed, his eyes going down for few second before he looked back at me. I wasn't used to him acting like this. He looked almost shy, which wasn't really a Victor-thing.

"Fine, fine. Just, let me finish, okay? It's going to sound stupid, but I need you to hear the whole thing before judging. It probably won't help because from your point of view, it will sound ridiculous and stupid, but I want to explain the whole thing, before you start swearing," he said, mumbling the last part so I almost didn't catch it. Nodding slowly, starting to be a bit curious about his reasons, I focused my full attention on him.

He took a deep breath, as if preparing for some tough argument with his business partners, and started.

"Okay, do you remember the party we went on? The one at your working place back then? It was some kind of anniversary of the club or something," he asked, waiting for my nod before continuing.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now