Chapter 21

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I opened my eyes and I was staring up at a white ceiling. I could hear loud sirens around me.

I tried to move my head, but it was like I was being held down by something, and then I clocked I was in an ambulance.

"Ciara?" Kyle's big head appeared in front of me all of a sudden.

"What happened to me, Kyle?"

"Some dickhead crashed into your side of the car...."

Once the ambulance people clocked I was awake they told Kyle to move back so they could check me properly etc

We got to the hospital and I had to have x-rays and shit...

A few hours later I was in a nurse's cubicle with my mum. My head was fucking killing me; it felt like somebody had poured cement into my ears and it had solidified around my brain making it heavier than ever.

The nurse was giving me a prescription of painkillers and I had to wear one of those neck braces for a while. Great!

When we got home my mum and Anton decided it was time to question me...

"Why were you with Kyle in the first place??" my mum started

"Yeah, I thought you two broke up...?" asked Anton

These people were stressing me out already and I hadn't even been out of the hospital for an hour.

"We did break up; we're not together, we don't even talk. He was just giving me a lift, nothing more, nothing less."


The next morning I woke up to bare missed calls from Jordaine, and a text from her

I read her text: 'please talk to me...'

I was baffled... why did she think I wasn't talking to her. I didn't feel like talking to anyone, so I just turned off my phone and went back to sleep.

A few hours later I got up, had a shower and got dressed and turned on my laptop. I logged onto Facebook and checked my email. Kyle had added me back on Facebook time ago... I decided to accept it finally.

At exactly the same time, two Facebook chat conversations popped up. One was from Kyle, one was from Jordaine

Jordaine- why you ignoring me

Kyle- you aite

I replied to Jordaine first: I'm not, I've just been busy, I'll call you later

And then I replied to Kyle...


I remembered that Tyrell was meant to have his little drink-up last night, but I guessed that he didn't have it because of what happened to me and Kyle.

All of a sudden Anton walked into my room.

"Excuse me; there is clearly a sign on the door saying knock before you enter!"

He sat down on the end of my bed

"The door was open so you obviously weren't doing anything dodgy. Anyways... so tell me the truth; why were you with Kyle last night?" He asked, scrutinising me.

"Oh my gosh! I already said we're not together... I was coming from my friend's house and he saw me and offered me a lift. Cha!"

"Aite... so how've you been then; it feels like I haven't seen you for ages."

"Yeah coz you all abandoned me ¬_¬ ... but ive been alright I guess, just taking everyday as it comes."

"Why did you and Kyle break up? Mum won't tell me and Tyrell said Kyle won't tell him either...?" he asked

"Because it's nobody's business except ours... I don't wanna talk about it anyway."

I was so tired of talking about this stupidness, everyone was too fucking eggs-up for my likings.


The next day I didn't go to college; I just lay in my bed being depressed all day.

The following Friday, Tyrell decided to have his little drink-up -_-

I was jamming in my room, listening to music and drinking some of the alcohol I had stolen from Tyrell and was dozing off into some nice peaceful sleep... until some fat person with fat hands decided to bang on my door...

It was Kyle ...

"We need to talk."

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