Chapter 46 - A New Beginning Part 2

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Chapter 46

Kyle and I were sat in the waiting room of the Sexual Health clinic, filling in a short form with some of our details. It was the same place we had gone to for my pregnancy test... He had been discharged from hospital about a week earlier, and had been spending everyday together.
Although we were trying to make up for lost time, we hadn't slept together yet. I wanted to wait until after we got our test results so we could celebrate being clean (hopefully) together.
We hadn't really discussed what we would do if one of us had something; it was far too scary.
I was called into to see the doctor first. Luckily it was a woman. She asked me questions about my sexual history and if I had experienced any symptoms of anything. I had only slept with Kyle, and hadn't experienced any symptoms, but that didn't necessarily mean I didn't have anything.
She also asked if I had previously had any STD's. I hadn't had any as far as I knew. Then she began asking the slightly more embarrassing questions. She asked if I had been involved in oral or anal sex.
There was no point of my lying, so I told the truth. I had only been involved in oral sex.
She then took some swabs from inside my vagina and mouth, and I had to give samples of my blood and urine
I went back to the waiting area to wait for Kyle to come back out. After about ten minutes he finally came out.
The first thing he said when he sat down was: "they fucking stuck a cotton bud up my dick!" He did not look happy at all.
"They have to, how else would they find out if you're ill?" I said, laughing at him
A nurse came over to us, and told us that our results would be ready in about a week; we would receive a phone call from our GPs. Before we left she gave us some free condoms and lubricants...
After leaving the clinic, we went back to his house. For once, his house was empty even though it was only 2.30pm. We sat in the living room watching old episodes of Run's House. Neither of us was speaking much....
The wait for these results was going to be the longest week EVER!
*Ten Days Later*
It was about 12.15pm, and the postman had just dropped off some letters. It had been more than a week since we had gotten tested, but neither of us had received our results yet. My stomach jolted when I saw a letter addressed to me, stamped with my GP surgery address.
I sat down on the stairs, my hands trembling so much that I struggled to open the envelope properly. I finally got it open and read what it said.
"Please contact the surgery to discuss your test results between 12pm and 4pm."
What a waste of paper!
I dialled their number on my phone, and waited for a receptionist to answer. She put me through to who I needed to talk to.
"Good afternoon, Ciara. I asked you to contact me so I could let you know that your test results all came up negative, and showed no irregularities. Everything is a-ok!" He said, cheerfully
"Thank you for letting me know, Dr Chin. Bye." I said, hanging up the phone
I was soooo happy!
I called Kyle, to let him know the good news but he didn't answer....
I was having a photoshoot with the photographer from 'The Face of...' Competition later that afternoon, so I went to get ready for that, making a mental note to call Kyle when I was finished with the shoot.
I left my house, and walked up to the bus stop, to catch a bus towards Sloane Square, where his studio was. I wasn't going alone, Rianna was going to meet me at the bus stop.
Once we were on the bus, we chit-chatted for a bit, and then I told her the news about my test results.
"Aww, that is so great babe. At least you can feel more at ease, knowing that you don't have anything. What about Kyle, has he got his yet?" She asked
"I dunno. I called him after I got mine but he didn't answer. Maybe he's busy, or still asleep. I think he stayed out late last night with them lot." I said, shrugging. I hoped everything was okay with Kyle, and he wasn't avoiding me....
We arrived at the studio's and were taken down to the main studio area. There were loads of people milling around, seemingly busy, so I felt a bit safer just in case he tried anything.
I was taken into hair and makeup, where they did me up, really naturally. You couldn't even tell that I had foundation on. After they had finished with me, I went into the main studio and began the shoot.

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