Chapter 3

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The next morning, I woke up around 12... I jumped in the shower, and then turned on my computer. I logged onto Facebook and MSN. The usual mandem popped up tryna drop their bars, but I just wasn't falling for it... I looked on my online friends on Facebook, and saw that Kyle was on the list. I didn't start talking to him but as I minimised the list, a convo popped up from him... he was just chatting shit really, nothing interesting. But then he got serious. He was there telling me how I can whine sick for a younger; I started creasing, but I was thinking to myself, what does this boy want from me. I'm 16, he's 19; what could he really gain from doing anything with me, which meant he was probably just looking for a mash and dash. But he and my brother had been boys since year 7 so would he really do that? I began growing weary of him. He was in one of the biggest crews on road these days, so why did he want me, when he could definitely get any girl he wanted... he came offline and I jammed listening to some bashment... I was listening to 'Bubble Like Soup' by Timberlee Ft. Ward 21, when my phone began ringing. It was some next number...

"Who's this??" 

"No, hello, nah??" 

"Who's this? State names or hear the three beeps" 

"It's Kyle man, cha!" 

"Don't cha me, you pussy" ... we continued talking like that for another minute or so and then we started talking properly. I didn't even know how he got my number, but I didn't ask. 

We had been on the phone for like half an hour, when I clocked that I still had five-day.

"You want me to call you back??" 

"Why, you got five-day??" 

"Yeah-" man didn't even wait for me to stop talkin, he just cut off...KMT!

I called him back and we spoke for like the whole day, he wasn't even doing anything, he was just jamming in his house, coz it was a Sunday... he was telling me bare things, like how he had been on me for ages but didn't wanna do anything coz of Tyrell

"I wanna ask you a question yeah, but don't take it the wrong way..." I said 


"What made you wanna move to me?? Like you could have any girl you want, why me" 

He went silent for a bit, so I thought he didn't hear me, or wasn't gonna answer and then he said 

"Why not??" 

"Coz I'm nothing special innit, just an average girl" 

"Trust me, you might think you aint all that, but you're definitely far from average, boo"


I just accepted what he said, and changed the subject. We started talking about bare different topics. Somehow, we started talking about sex... not even like in a dirty way, just in a general way. The way he was telling me all of these random places that he had had sex in... I was shocked.

"One thing I hate with a passion, is when a chick plans for us to do it, saying things like 'yeah, we can fuck on Thursday, you can do this, that and the other...' It's something that shouldn't be planned, don't you agree?? Do you plan when you're gonna do it, Ciara??" How was I meant to tell him that I was a virgin??

"Ermm... I don't really... coz I've never done that before..." 

"...So you're a virgin??" he sounded shocked 

"Yeah, what, did you think I'm some kinda hoe or something" 

"Nah, nah not's just coz no-one's really a virgin these days, you get me??" 

"Well, I aint like these loose chicks, am I??" 

"Nah, you're definitely not, beautiful" ...

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