Chapter 78 - The Best Christmas Present Ever

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Christmas was two days away, and I was due to have my baby in two weeks so I had called my brothers, and asked them to help me get the flat ready as I now had no-one to help me do it. 

We were all sat in my bedroom, I was folding up baby clothes to go into the drawers of the changing table that Anton was putting together, Tyrell was trying to put the cot together and Byron had just finished assembling the pram. 

Everything was slowly coming together and I was glad that Chelsea had forced me to swallow my pride and ask them for help. 

"So what's next?" Byron said, as he wheeled the pram out into the living room. 

"Erm," I said, dropping the t-shirt I was holding and reaching for my notebook. "I think that might be all, the only thing left is to wash the bottles out but I can do that later."  

He took a deep breath then spoke

"Alright well I'm gonna go and get the last bits of shopping that Kiera needs for Christmas, she'll kill me if I come home empty-handed!" 

I stood up and walked him to the door then took my phone out of my pocket and went into the kitchen. I still hadn't spoken to Kyle and I was happy that way. This wasn't what I wanted for myself or my baby, but I had no choice now, I was officially a single mother and the baby wasn't even born yet. I stared out of the frosty window and thought over how the last year had flown by so quickly, and everything had gone completely off track. 

Eventually, everything was done and we sat down to dinner. 

"So what's the deal with you and Kyle now? You said you two ain't together anymore, why?" Anton said, picking up a piece of chicken and taking a big bite out of it. 

I hesitated before speaking

"I just realised he's not the one for me, he's never gonna change and I deserve better." If I told them the whole truth, I would never hear the end of it.

Tyrell looked at me with a funny look, like he knew I was lying. 

He shook his head

"I spoke to Derome, I know what happened."

I swallowed and stopped eating for a second and stared at my plate, trying to fight back the tears. 

"What happened?" Anton asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. 

"He fucked Meisha" Tyrell said, leaning back in his seat. 

Anton kissed his teeth loudly

"That nigga is a waste of space, and ain't she s'pose to be your friend? They both ain't worth it. This is why I never liked you being with him." 

I didn't say anything, I just sat there. 

"I agree. You've made the right decision to not be with him, you can't raise a child in that kind of environment, coz then she's gonna grow up thinking it's okay to be treated badly by men, and that's not right. I regret ever bringing him around you, me and him will NEVER be friends again! I'm done with him, he's dead to me." 

"You regret bringing him around? I regret ever being with him, but there's nothing I can do about the past now. All I can do is learn from it. I don't know if he's even gonna be there for this baby..." I said, crying a little. 

Tyrell pulled a tissue from the pile in front of him and handed it to me. 

"Well, you don't need him and neither does the baby. She's got one sexy uncle and two other uncles to look out for her." He said, smoothing his beard down

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