Chapter Thirty Five

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Ok…. So. I have officially over 2,000 fans! YAY!!!!! Whooo! Yeah, People! So they only way I can repay you guys is…. Updating!! Yay! (; <3 LOVE Y’ALL

X Gwen





“No.” says Harry, in an amused voice. “I think Zayn might of, though.”

“Ok. Thanks.” Says Niall.

I suck my breathe in, waiting for him to leave.

His eyes dart around the room for a second, looking at me for a spilt second.

Then he turns and leaves, the door closing behind him with a click.

I exhale, and push the wardrobe doors open.

Harry is looking at me with raised eyebrows.

“Had a little peak did we?” He said.

I blushed. “No, Nothing like that.”


“Harry, no offense, but can you get out of the room while I get changed?”

“Sure.” He says, and leaves the room.

Quickly I shed of my clothes, and I pull Harry’s shirt over me, it’s way too big. I wiggle into his jeans which are too small.

“You can come in now.” I say in a low voice, so only Harry can hear me.

He walks in and does a low whistle.

“What?” I say, self-consciously.

“My jeans look good on you.”

“They’re too small!” I say. “Can I borrow another pair?”

“Nope.” He says, looking me up and down.

“Harry, stop it with the teenage pervert thing.”

“Right. Sorry.” He says. “But I literally have no other pair of jeans, it’s laundry day.”

“Damn.” I say. “So um, is there some way you could smuggle me out? I don’t exactly want to see Niall…”

“Oh, Why not?” says Harry. “You’ve been giving him a hard time.”

“No I haven’t.”

“Yes, you have.”

“How have I, then?”

“Well… I can’t explain it really, but-“

“Ha! See! Haven’t been giving him a hard time.”

I roll my eyes and harry does too, but he says finally. “At least have breakfast.”

“Fine.” I say, opening and closing his door. I come face-to-face with Zayn, whose face lights up when he sees me,

“Hannah?” He says, in the happiest voice.

“No.” I say, sadly. “Lucy.”

“Oh.” He says. “Right, Ok, Well, then…” and walks of, his head dropping.

“What was  that?” Harry asks, opening his door and coming to stand beside me.

“Love.” I say. “That was… Zayn in love.”


“Never mind.” I say, abruptly changing the subject. “So… Where’s the kitchen?”

Who needs Luck? (1D FanFiction) Sequel to Your Good Luck CharmWhere stories live. Discover now