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5 months later...June,15,2019

🌸 | T A N Y A | 🌸

The baby shower was over and I was ready to take my ass home.Being pregnant with four kids is no joke especially sons cus they made you look huge.
"Baby Aaron's gonna give you a ride home im gonna stay and clean up."He told me and I nodded eating a brownie as he rubbed his hand on circles on my stomach and I groaned feeling them kick that shit hurt I was gonna have some soccer stars.
"Ew what the fuck?"Chris said being able to see the babies feet as they kicked.
"Dave stop making them kick it hurts."I sighed and he nodded moving his hand.
"Look at you ready to pop like some popcorn."Aaron said walking up with his keys and I mugged him.Being pregnant in the summer was not fun at all.

"You ready to go?"He asked."Yeah see you at home."I said to Dave.
"Be safe cus this nigga always puttin someone in harm's way,love you."He said pecking my lips making me smile.
"Love you too."
I grabbed the rest of the cake to take that shit home.One thing I hated about throwing parties is having to share a cake with everyone like no that's my cake,that's why I don't celebrate my birthday honestly.

I ducked off everyone else to quickly go home cus people love to make long ass conversation when you tryna go somewhere.
Aaron opened the door for me and I got in I winced feeling a shap pain down below.But thought nothing of it.

Aaron began playing music as he drove off.
"How does it feel to hold up four kids?"He asked.
"Its no jo-Aggh!"I screamed in pain and he hopped up confused.
"You good?"He asked."Im fine I promise."I swear to God it is to early to be trying to have these kids I got one more month to go man.
We were stuck in traffic on the high way and I sighed feeling a wetness come down my water just broke and I was stuck in traffic with Aaron how the hell can he help he is not the brightest crayon in the box.

"Try me, might fight
Fist fuck, on sight
Wrist heavy, fat dyke
Pop Molly, Mike Ike
I got glacial white ice
And my bitch rack nice
And I do fight dykes
Ride my dick like a bike!"Aaron rapped along to X as I was trying to control my breathing I was having contractions.I put my chair back.
"Arron!"I shouted cus the music was so loud.
"My water broke."
I told him.
He rained a eyebrow."My nigga water can't break."I mugged him hoping he would drop dead.
"Oh you mean the baby is coming?"He asked.
"Yes."I called Dave as I timed my contractions and it was coming closer.
"Baby my water broke im about to go into labor and were stuck in traffic."
"What you sure?"I was about to respond but I dropped the phone cus the pain hurt so much.
"Arron you gonna have to help me this baby is coming now!"I told him.
"I am not looking at your pussy and you are not finna mess up my seats!"
"Aaron get out the fuckin car and come help me or so help me God I will piss on your seats on purpose!"
"Stop yelling at me!"He said back and I got in the back seats holding my legs up.As my hand went under my sun dress.
"I can feel the head."I told him.
"And?"He said shrugging and I began beating him with my shoe as he screamed.
"Aaron come help me now!"
"Aight...Aight damn man."He said annoyed as he got out the car and came to my side opening it.
"You see anythi-."
"Aaron!"I shouted at him as he fell over to his side after looking under my sun dress.He ain worth even a damn penny.I through some of the cake at his face to wake him up and he got back up.

"That don't look right,what the what the fuck?It look like a orange getting peeled."He said and I kept pushing as I cried that shit hurt.I gripped the seats with my life as I felt sweat coming down my face.
"Why the hell are you crying you ain birthin shit!"I shouted at him.
"My fuckin seats!"He shouted back as he wiped his face.
"Alright ready set hut."He said like a football player and I moaned in pain this was no joke it hurt so bad.
"Oh my god!"I felt him coming out and I pushed with all my might as the pain went away."ew this nigga ugly what the fuck is this he look like a alien can it go back?"He asked as I heard him cry.And I cried my baby,I thought as he was wrapped up in Aaron's shirt as I held him and Aaron was freaking out seeing blood and other stuff the unbiblical cord was still connected.
He looked just like me oh my God.He was so handsome."thank Allah...damn."Aaron said as traffic started to clear up and he said,"Zoom."As he sped off one down three more to go.

💎 ~ D A V E ~  💎

I rushed to the room Tanya was in after Aaron told me the hospital they were at.I had scrubs on and a mask they had us wear.I seen Tanya looking sweating with her hair all over the place as Millyon held her hand."Dont worry you got this sis."Millyon said."What happened,what's going on now?"I asked her and Tanya shook her head."I already had one I got three more to go they're stubborn."She said irritated
"Look baby you got this okay we been ready for this you just got to breathe in an o-Aghhh!"She grunted and I winced in pain as she had a death grip on my hand.
"Ow Tanya damn, Millyon you don't feel that?"
"If I feel this pain than you sure as hell gonna feel it too!"She said.."Why you gotta be so hostile?"I asked her.
"Because im pushing three kids out Dave, out my pussy if you pushed some kids out your dick, how would you feel."She asked grunting and I could hear cries from the other end.
"It's another boy."The doctor said and I felt tears coming to my face as they cleaned him up and wrapped him up and handed him to Tanya.That's my son man..
But he looked just like Tanya though.

"Oh my gosh he looks like me too."Tanya cooed as he yawned and moved and he opened his eyes.He kept crying as we spoke to him letting us know he was alive."What's his name mam?"The nurse asked.
"Ezra....Ezra Grant Easton."She told them and I nodded agreeing we decided she'd name two and I was gonna name two.
"I like it hey Ezra."I said as I held him he was so light.
I heard Tanya grunting again and knew the next baby was coming.
"Dave I hate you!"

It was 2 o'clock in the morning and our last baby must've been shy cus he refused to come out.He was alive and healthy but he was being so stubborn.All of them looked like Tanya too.We had...Ezra,Calix,and Aamir.Calix was born first than Ezra and Aamir.
"Oh he's coming now."Tanya said sitting up and she began grunting as she pushed real hard and took deep breaths and I encouraged her.

Soon after we heard cries and..he looked like Tanya too.Damn they barely look like me.
"And what's his name?"
"David Hezekiah Easton."
"A junior?"Tanya asked and I nodded I always wanted a junior.

The doctors went over everything with us and I felt stingy holding Dave jr he was already my favorite but I wasn't gonna tell anyone.Millyon held Ezra,Aaron held Calix,and my mom and pops held Aamir and cooed at him..

The doctor was going over some things with me while Tanya slept she was gonna have to be here for three days.They went over breast feeding and I nodded I ain think Tanyas titties could get any bigger but they did.
The boys were gonna have to stay longer too since they came a month early.
The doctor was going over sex and I think I almost shot him.
"Excuse me?"
"Six weeks."He repeated...Damn

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