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🌸 | T A N Y A | 🌸

I felt my legs begin to itch cus I could feel Dave's hairy ass legs tangled with mine as his heavy self was pressed up all against me as I could hear him breathing in my ear.
I was mad cus he was interrupting my sleep tryna be all up on me meanwhile he slept on me like I was the fuckin bed.
"Ughh."I groaned pushing him to the side with all my might but his arms went around my waist as his head went to rest on my breast as he started drooling an snoring.
I stared up at the ceiling.Why God?

I thought as his snores only kept gettin louder and I pushed him off of me disgusted with his drool as he rolled to his other side I checked the time and it said 4 am.I had to be at the office at 7am
.I was tryna get some sleep.I wouldve been sleeping in my apartment but we got in late from his mothers house and his excuse was he was too tired to drive me home.I knew damn well he was just tryna use me as his pillow at night.

I was trying to sleep but his snoring was getting on my nerves.I smacked my teeth mugging him as I hit him in his Addams apple real quick than acted like I was sleeping as I heard him choke than cough.
"The fuck?"I heard him say in a sleepy voice as I felt him staring at me.And he moved me back as he rested his head on my chest,I could feel his front pressed to my side as he threw his leg over me getting comfortable making me roll my eyes.As I eventually fell asleep.

I felt someone watching me in my sleep making me open my eyes and I seen Dave staring at me as I scrunched my face up bringing my head back.
"Why are you staring at me like that?"I asked as I got out of bed and stretched.
"Just thinkin dont worry about it."He said sternly and I realised it was his time of the month again.And I rolled my eyes keeping my mouth shut.I knew Dave was tryna start a argument like allways abd I would just ignore him.I was to old to be arguing with a grown man over petty nonsense.
I knew it was gonna be toxic trying to be around him so I was gonna take my shower brush my teeth an dip.
I ignored him as I lotioned my body and dropped my towel as I put my thong and bra on.
"Where the fuck is you goin?"He asked.
"To work I still have a job David did you forget?"I asked sarcastically as I put on my mustard yellow pencil skirt and matching top than put on my light brown heels that had flower embroidery on it I felt bright today.
"Why you gettin ready so early,who gonna drop you off?"
"No im dropping you off."
I sighed rolling my eyes as I put my hair in a ninja bun and laid my edges.
"No Millyon is."I told him as I grabbed my purse that matched my heels along with my charger and wallet.I was gonna go home after work.Cus if Dave needed his space than I was gonna give him his space.
He grabbed me by my arm.
"Im taking you to work and that's final."
"Get your hands off me David."I said snatching my atm out his grip.He forever trippen.I made my way down the stairs to get some breakfast as Dave stayed down my neck aggrivating me to the fullest.
"Move."I said he was being childish tryna block my way to the front door as I heard Millyon honking her horn.
"Dave stop fuckin playin your pissing me off and im trying to remain calm you will not ruin my vibe because I refuse to argue with you now please move."I said calmly as I gripped my purse.
My heels made me almost close to his height so I grabbed his shirt and he bent his head down as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Trying to leave but he tilted my head back kissing me on the lips making me smile.
"Now that's a real kiss."He told me.
"Alright see you at work."I said as he opened the door for me and I left out shaking my head seeing Milly in a pimped out Cadillac as I zipped my coat up more feeling the harsh wind blow against my face as it began snowing.

"Good mornin Tanya."Gina spoke.
"Good morning."I replied back as I finshed from clocking in the same time she left out as I seen Lauren getting her mail from the mail room.
"Good morning sis."She said making me chuckle.
"Good mornin,I was thinking about hanging out with you,to make up for lost time."I said smiling and she smiled back.
"That's a good idea,how has Dave been treating you?"She asked.
"Well we're doing fine how has your girlfriend been treating you?"
"Girl she has beem treating me well if ya know what I mean,she got the PFT down packed.Plastic,fingers an tounge."She said sticking her tounge out making me laugh.
"You need to find your chill."
"Never going to,but check it out we got a new employee right his name is Bryce short for Bryson and he is just a walking tall glass of fine."Lauren said.
"When did Dave hire somebody?"
"Don't even know honestly but lemme get to work see you sis."
"See you later Lauren."I said as I went to the cafeteria getting me and David a coffee and breakfast sandwich for him.
I turned to walk and bumped into some one as I dropped the coffee onto the floor as well as the breakfast sandwich.
"My fault."I heard a deep voice as I stood to my feet and looked up at the man.

Secretary(Nicki Minaj&Dave East)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora