Hamilsquad Preference #4

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What you get/do for him on his birthday

-  A fancy af pen
- Expensive af notebook (fyi he finished that notebook on the same day)
- You got him in bed ;) (wtf am I writing)
- A fuqin' hamster because believe it or not it's in his wishes notebook
-Modern AU: An IPad Pro with the stylus

- m o r e  t u r t l e s
- c u d d l e s
- tree climbing at the park
- Modern AU: Movie night
- A new watch
- m o r e  c u d d l e s

- even more baguettes
- You took him to a traditional American restaurant
- bought him an “Aft of Soleil Royal” ship figurine
- Ice cream, and he got weirded out by it. (he didn't have it as a child in France even though they were💸💸💸)
- s n u g g l e s
- Modern AU:  mini yacht party around NYC

Herc Herc:
- Exquisite fabrics for his tailoring
- New sewing machine
- Wigs (for spying hehe)
- Modern AU: Sunglasses that can record what you see and hear

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