Part 1: The Return Home

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(These first few parts might be a bit slow. I want to focus this part on character development as well as the next part. Make sure you let me know what you think!)

You step off of the plane, breathing in the warm summers air. You had just come off of the first of your two flights to some unknown destination. Your CO back at your base told you almost nothing in the briefing. You were part of the special forces unit in C/N, a very elite unit who specialized in wet work around the globe.

You look down at your watch and see that it is only 10:30 am. You let out a sigh as you realize that the C-130 tasked to take you to your destination would not be there until at least 2:30. You think to yourself, "Well at least I'm back home for now". You sit at the airport for a while before deciding to go see if your parents were around, as you could not work on the prototype decrypter you had started during your time in the special forces since most of it was classified and your phone was almost dead. You hail a taxi and give him your home address. You decided not to call ahead and make it a surprise for your parents.

Your parents were constantly worrying about you being in the special forces unit. They both had no military experience and because of this, were baffled at your decision to join the army. This inspiration came from your grandfather, who sadly passed away a couple of years ago. He was part of the same special forces group that you had made your way into. He fought in WW2 in that unit and was part of the paratroopers who dropped before the D-Day invasions. He led the charge against a Nazi artillery post while they were outnumbered and outgunned. He took 2 bullets and brought down 10 Nazis. Because of his actions he was promoted up to the rank of First Lieutenant.

Your parents were also a big influence in some of the things you decided to pursue as well. Both your parents were both very intelligent. Your mother was an computer scientist, in which she had a masters degree. This peaked your interest in technology from a young age, and from this you became fluent in several coding languages and began to take an interest in cryptography. On the other hand, Your father was an design engineer for most of his life. He worked a lot designing car parts. Because of him, you started to learn different design software and started before long building various objects and toys. All of these skills came in handy when you started to design a decryption device that could crack even the most secure communications lines in seconds. It also had the ability to be carried in a backpack making it incredibly valuable in your spec ops missions being able to get information on enemy positions for a short time before the quantum CPU overheated. That's something you still had to fix.

This all ran through your mind in the 20 min drive from the airport to your parents house. As you arrived, you got out, paid and thanked the cab driver and walked up the old cobblestone path towards the old red brick house that was your family home and had been the place from which you grew up. As you walked up the old stone steps, you take a look at the garden and notice that it is blooming with various flowers of different colours. You knock at the door hoping someone is home as you only saw one car in the driveway. A couple of seconds later your mother opens the door. Despite you keeping in contact with her all the time she jumps onto you, hugging you as if she hasn't seen you in decades. The action caught you by surprise as she almost knocked you over, despite your large body from work. "What a lovely surprise!" she beamed. "What are you doing here Y/N? I thought you were still deployed?" she questioned you. "I technically am. I'm currently being re-deployed to some other unit that they haven't told me about yet. But I have to catch a plane at 2:30 so I decided I would stop by." you explained to her. "Please come in, I was just about to start lunch. I'm going to make something special for you since you're back." she said excitedly. You nodded in agreement. Your mother was an awesome cook and it was the one of the other skills she passed on. It was also the one thing that you missed most about home when travelling abroad. A nice hot meal, prepared with love by someone who loved you.

"Where's Dad?" you question. "Oh, you know him, out fishing again. Looking for that massive catfish he's always on about in the pond out back more than likely. Why don't you go look for him? Lunch should be ready in about a half hour." she said. "Alright. It's been a while since I have been in the forest back there" you agree. You being you voyage into the large forest that rested on the property, passing your old tree house that your Dad built for you when you were 8. You come up along the fishing spot where you and your Dad used to fish together. "Damn not here." you mutter under your breath. You notice some footprints leading into some of the thinner parts of the bush, along with some broken branches. The tracking that your father taught you for hunting was coming in handy. And in no time at all, you see a figure standing on the edge of the water with his fishing line.

"Any luck?" you say while coming up behind him. This startled him, as he swung around to look you right in the eyes. A second later, he realized who had startled him and walked up and gave you a big hug. You both embraced for a while before breaking apart. "What's my young sport doing back here, huh?" he exclaimed. You explain the situation just as you had to you mother. "I see" he said. "Well have you finally caught the big one you've been on about?" you ask. "Nothin's biting today" he replied, disappointed. "How about we head back. Mom said that she's cooking something special up because of my return" you propose. "Great idea sport" he said. You two began the journey back to the house where your mother had prepared some homemade macaroni and cheese, a personal favorite from your childhood and the one recipe that you could never quite nail on the head. You all talked for a bit, mainly about how your military career has been going. You even start to think of why your CO sent you off without any info. You start to think that maybe you've been transferred to some black ops group.

"When are you finally going to find a girl Y/N? Your dad and I aren't getting any younger here?" the question took you by surprise and caused you to blush a bit. "I just haven't found someone who's right for me yet. Maybe I'll find someone at the new place I'm going to." you reply. You then look at your watch and realize that it is 1:30 already. You decide that you have to get back to the airport to catch your flight. You call up a taxi, and say your goodbyes to your parents. "Be careful sport" your Dad says. "Stay in touch please?" your mother asks. "As much as I can." you reply to calm her down. Just then the taxi pulls up and you're off to the airport. You get through security relatively quickly and realize that your C-130 isn't due for another half hour. You spend this time absorbed in your phone, playing chess. You almost have the AI mated when you're approached by a man in military fatigues. "Are you Cipher?" he asks. "The one and only." you reply. "The C-130 is ready and I've been tasked to escort you aboard and carry any bags you might have." he stated. You walk with him to the plane and try to learn a little about what you'll be doing. "I can't say for sure, sir" he said to your disappointment. "Well can you at least tell me where we're headed?" you ask. "To Hereford in the U.K." he states.

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