His Butler, Finds Her

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         First i own nothing of black butler, i only own Lucy


                                 Silently, the girl stared up at her ceiling, shaking. She was afraid of what would happen tomorrow, she was afraid to be laughed at. Her limbs were sore and bloody from being beaten by the old men. She wouldn't move, she was to afraid of what she would see to move. She heard the other children cry and cling to each other saying

              "It's going to be all right, someone will surely save us!" But those children were wrong, no one had come, its been 12 years and still, no one has come. She felt pity for the children who still had hope.

                               She got up only to look outside their only window. She knew she had to leave before tomorrow or else she would not be able to keep what was left of her pride. Very late that night, she grabbed a knife, which she was keeping under her pillow, and picked the locks on their door.

                      She quietly walked passed the sleeping guard and entered a hall. She looked with disgust at the walls, it was screaming children painted on there, so this is how she identified it as the main hall. She crept through the entryway, looking at the expensive pottery that was shelved.

                           When she finally reached the door, she hesitantly grabbed the handle, and with that she was off running. She knew if she ever went back there, she would be beaten severely. she stopped and turned "Those children, if I get rid of the men those children will die also."

                     It was a sacrifice she had to make. She quickly found a couple of sticks and lit a fire, she then pulled it over to the men's mansion, and let it go ablaze. She then started to run but inhaling to much of the smoke, she passed out in the Forest, next to a big oak tree.



     " Oh, master , it seems there's a fire out in the woods. What do you propose I do?" The butler said with an annoying smile spread across his face. His master, Ciel Phantomhive looked down showing how little he cared " Just hurry up and see what it is."

             The butler bowed at his master's response and was off. He looked at the burning mansion through the Forest and was going to turn back to his master until something caught his eye, it seemed like an unusual rock laying on the ground. When he walked near it, he saw that it was no rock, it was a girl. He looked at her arms and legs, they were bruised and bloodied.

             He thought it over for a minute and then checked if she was still alive, her pulse confirmed a yes to the butler and he quickly picked the girl up in bridal position. He then walked off back to his master's carriage where Ciel was waiting impatiently.

                               He heard noise and saw Sebastian was back,  " Why the hell did you take so long?!" He stopped to see a girl with black hair that could touch her knees, when he looked at her arms and legs, he saw she was beaten severely and felt somewhat pity for her. Sebastian then said " What do I do with her?" Ciel took some time to think it through and finally said " Take her home, we'll question her in the morning.



        The girl woke up in a master bed wearing a lacy pajama gown. She looked at the white ruffles that flew down her cuffs for her hands. She had no clue what was happening and didn't care much either. She was quiet for a little until a man in a tailcoat, noble pants and a shirt, and a button pinned next to his breast pocket walked in. "I assume you're hungry? From the looks of it, its been quite  some time since you've ate, hasn't it?"

                    She looked up at the man and hesitantly nodded. He poured her some hot milk and on the side was a scone and some fruit, she quietly ate when the man introduced himself " I am Sebastian Michealis, head butler of the Phantomhive manor, and you are?"

                   She tried to make words but it was like her mouth and brain were enemies. She couldn't get the slightest sound out. Sebastian then said " I do hope you get your voice back soon, my master wanted to speak with you after you eat, is that all right?"

                                    She thought it over and made out a faint yes. He then smiled and showed her the clock in the room " It is 9:15 a.m, when the clock hits 9:25, I will be back to escort you to my master." He then smiled when he saw her nod and he bowed as he left.

                     The girl turned to see there was a dress laid out smoothly for her to wear. It was a silky tube top dress that was decorated with pink and with flowers.

                      She saw the ruffles and instantly fell in love with it. When she put it on, she brushed her hair into pigtails and ate all of the fruit.  She checked the clock, 9:20 a.m , She quickly looked at the high heels and tried to figure them out.

                          She glanced at the clock again, 9:24 a.m , she then heard a knock at the door exactly when the clock stuck the 25.

                    She started trembling. When he looked at me he gave a little look of suprise, but quickly smiled and walked over. She closed her eyes afraid but, when he grabbed the high heel and out it on her foot, she knew he wasn't mad.

                      When he put the other high heel on, she stood up but fell into the butler's arms. She looked down embarrassed, she couldn't walk in high heels, let alone anykind of shoe at all , he helped her into flats, which were much more easier to move.

                              Well, now she was off to meet the butler, Sebastian's master.

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