38: The Movies

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  • Dedicated to LoveHopeBeauty

“Shh, someone will see us!” I whispered to Craig as he smirked back at me.

“What? You don’t want to be caught?” I glared at him and he snickered as we grabbed our popcorn and headed towards the movie room.

“Talking about getting caught, we need to talk about this whole hickey thing Mister!” I hissed.

“I thought I did some nice artwork there, didn’t you think so?” If looks could kill, mine would’ve struck Craig down in a heartbeat. “Hey! They didn’t even find out.” He pointed out. It got me angry how calm he was talking about this.

“They think I’m dating some hot mystery guy!”

“Well, they’ve got the hot part down.” He turned to wink at me before saying, “I can be mysterious too. I mean girls like the sexy mysterious guy, right?”

“I’m going to kill you.” I growled which caused him to chuckle more.

“Come on. You loved me making that mark and as long as nobody finds out, we’re fine. Now, let’s go watch our movie.”

Okay, so maybe picking the most popular movie theater in our town wasn’t the best idea, but it was the only one playing the movie we were going to see at this time and it was the only time Craig and I could both get away from everyone.

“You know… This whole sneaking around this is beginning to get kind of fun.” Craig said, popping a few pieces of popcorn into his mouth.

“I was going to say the complete opposite.” I muttered as I reached for his hand, not before looking around first though.

“You don’t like the thrill of knowing we could get caught any second?” He asked me, pulling me into his side as we continued towards theater four.

“I like that part; I just don’t like the fact that if we do get caught we’re both screwed.”

Craig only snorted in return making me grimace. “You need to stop worrying so much. You’re starting to get frown lines.”

That made my mouth fall open.

“Wrong choice of words?”’

My head nodded slowly and he pulled our hands apart as he made a dash for the theater.

“Get back here you asshole!” I yelled back at him as we raced towards the door entrance, popcorn pieces falling after us.

The doors flung open as I chased after Craig, my eyes taking a second to get used to the dark room of the theater, but as soon as a commercial started and the room lit up I caught sight of a certain brown haired beauty. My eyes narrowed, but he only smiled in return, acting as if he said nothing as he raced up towards the top row.

Luckily, not many people were here yet since the commercials were still going and the movie hadn’t official started yet. I normally hated being early to movies, but if it helped us get seats and not be seen walking in together it was worth it.

When I got to the seats Craig had saved I plopped into the seat next to him.

“I didn’t mean it-” Cutting him off, I replied,

“Don’t talk to me.”

This caused him to frown as well. He reached for my hand, but I pulled it away faster than he moved towards it making his lips curve even more downward.

“I’m sorry. I was just kidding.” He tried to apologize, but before I could say something else, a certain pair of people caught my eye. A girl with long black hair and a boy with blonde hair started climbing the stairs in the aisle on the side opposite of us. I elbowed Craig making his cough.

I Found Myself Falling... Not For The Right Thing Either.Where stories live. Discover now