12: They're All Fake

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So you know those really fun carnivals with games everywhere and kids running around having fun? Well this carnival wasn't that fun.

The game booths were few and the rides were limited. It was kind of boring and along with it Craig and Liz being there didn't help matters.

"Let's go on the Tea Cups!" Liz said batting her eyelashes for Craig. He shrugged and pulled Liz along with him towards the cups.

"You want to go?" Kent asked. I frowned.

"Hell no!" Kent chuckled.

"Thank God." I couldn't help, but giggle as Kent leaned down and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Ugh never mind." We both turned to see Craig and Liz walking back towards us. Liz's lips were pulled back into a frown and Craig was looking annoyed.

"What's wrong?" Kent and I asked in unison.

"Tea Cups had a malfunction. We couldn't go on them." It was pretty funny seeing Liz's face at the moment because she was one who absolutely loved the tea cups and dragged me on every year when we either went to a carnival or amusement park.

"Well let's find something else to do!" Kent declared. I smiled and turned around so I was facing the game booths.

"Wanna win me something?" I asked. Kent smiled down at me.

"I'd be delighted."

"Oh Craig! Go win me one!" Liz whined. I cringed at her squeal when Craig agreed, only because he'd look like a jerk if he didn't.

"Which prize do you want?" Kent asked me. I bit my lip as I scouted the few booths for a prize that I liked.

"I want the giant Panda!" Liz whined. Craig rolled his eyes and walked over to the ring toss booth.

"Surprise me." I told Kent as I kissed his lips.

"Alright then."

I couldn't help, but laugh at Craig's situation. Right as he won the ring toss game he turned and looked to see that the last giant Panda was being dragg

ed away by some little kid and their father. Liz was making a big scene that she wanted the stupid bear, but Craig ended up getting her a giant Fish instead.

I kind of wished that the little kid would give Liz the panda bear because she was giving me a headache. The Liz I used to know was never like this. If she wanted something she'd go get it. She wouldn't sit here and whine about it. She was changing.

It wasn't a good change either.

"Surprise!" I turned to see a baby bunny stuffed animal in Kent's hands. I let out a few giggles before taking it from his hands. "What?" Kent asked, frowning.

"It's so small." I giggled.

"Hey-" Kent started to defend, but I cut him off.

"It's so cute. I love it." Kent's mouth closed and I gave him a quick peck. "Thank you." I said pulling away.

"Hey Rae! Get Kent over here and let's go on the Ferris wheel!" I rolled my eyes at Liz's demanding voice, but pulled Kent along with me.

"Most people I don't have to say this too, but it's part of my job. If you get sick just push the red button on the side of your cart and you'll be brought back to the bottom so you can get off." I just rolled my eyes as Kent and I got into our cart. Who ever used that button?

Liz was smiling happily when their cart started after ours. The sun was setting and it actually was the prettiest part of it all. The sky erupted with gold, oranges and pinks. The only blue was the blended white and blues of the clouds.

I Found Myself Falling... Not For The Right Thing Either.Where stories live. Discover now