Part 40

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The days passed
Mihir proposal Mihika , Mihika of course accepted and everyone was happy for both.

Ishita was happy for her sister, but she had a stomachache when she thought of the engagement. Of course, Shagun would be there, after all, she was Mihir's sister.
Engagement Ceremony

All family members arrived, including IshRa with Adi. It was greeted, hugged and kissed.

Mani came to IshRa and greeted both, Raman knew that Ishita and Mani were just friends and he accepted it. Nevertheless, he kept an eye on him.

Another man came to them
I: OMG, you ?
They both hugged each other. Raman was puzzled . Who was this man, who embraced his wife in front of his eyes ?!

I: How are you ? Wow, how long have we not seen each other now ? I think that was 5 years ago.

Man: Yes, That was on Bhai and Bhabhi's wedding.
MA: Hey mate ,good to see you
Man: Mani my friend,how are you ?

Raman stood there with Adi in his arms and did not know what was going on. Finally, Ishita remembered that he was there too.

I: Oh Subbu, this is my husband Raman Kumar Bhalla and our son Aditya. Raman this is my friend Subramaniam Chandran.

SU: I have heard that you are now wife and mother.
R: Another friend ?
I: He is Bala Jeeju's brother

The two men shook hands, but Raman was not enthusiastic. Subbo stroked Adi's head. "what a cute kid"

"Yes, he is our sunshine" said Ishita proudly.

The entire Iyer family greeted Subbo and was thrilled to see him again. Raman felt like an outsider. Adi got tired and put his head on Raman's shoulder and sucked his thumb.

Shagun, who had discovered Raman , came over to him.
SH: Looks like your wife is busy
R: Only an old friend
SH: Does your lovely wife have female friends too ? or only male?
R: That not your business ,
SH: It was just a question

The couple exchanged ring, Everyone blessed them and wished them... Raman stood next to Ishita with a sleeping Adi in his arms.

After the date was set and all the rituals of the engagement were over, everyone sat down to eat. Ishita served Raman and took Adi from him , so that he could eat. Adi was still sleeping.

There was vegetarian food and Raman fed Ishita as she held Adi in his arms, asleep.

I: Raman you do not have to feed me, I can hold him and eat with the other hand.
R: But I want to feed you

Subbo watched the two and also Shagun.

S: Look at these Love Birds, maybe this is your engagement today ?
I: Simmi
S: Who watched you two, wants to marry immediately.

Everyone laughed and Ishita was embarrassed.

Subbo thought, " Why did not I ask her if she wants to be my wife? I could be this guy now. That could be our son. Whether this guy knows how lucky he is?"

Shagun through " Damn, he loves this B**ch, I can see it in his eyes. "

Raman noticed how Subbo looked at Ishita and he didn't like it. If this guy continued to look at his wife like that, he would go over and beat him black and blue in front of the assembled  people ...Ishita belonged to him

Ishita noticed how Shagun watched her husband and she did not like it. If she did not stop looking at Raman like that, she would go over and drag this witch out of her hair in front of the assembled people... . Raman belonged to her

Adi woke up and he  was not in a good mood.
He whined , Ishita knew he was hungry. She went to food to get him something. On the way, she met Shagun.

SH: Hello
I: Not today

Ishita left her standing with an open mouth and speechless and went on.

Ishita fed Adi, Vandu sat down next to her.

V: Poor Mihika, now she has found happiness and gets Shagun as sister-in-law.
I: Yes, I feel sorry for her
V: I am already looking forward to all the family celebration and meeting on which we have to endure Shagun
I: Thank God for Simmi
V: Thank God for not a sister-in-law

Vandu and Ishita gave a high five
Raman came to them and Vandu went to see Shravu.

Adi grabbed a handful of rice and held it to Ishita.
I: Oh my lovely Baby, are you feeding mumma ?
A: Mama
I: You're so cute

Ishita ate some rice from Adid hand and Adi smiled.
R: And what about Papa ?
Adi shook his head and Raman acted as if he was crying.
I: Now Papa is sad

Adi held out his hand to Raman with the rice. Raman ate something and kissed Adi.
R: Good boy
Adi clapped his hands and laughed

Subbo watched the little family and felt jealousy. He envies Raman for Ishita. Why had he been so stupid and never proposal Ishita ?

Shagun looked over and muttered, "Happy,happy Family" She hated Ishita that she had catches Raman. She did not want kids, but she would have made an exception for Raman Bhalla.

Ishita and Raman were still sitting together...

R: Who is this Subbo ?
I: I told you, he is Jeeju's brother
R: And your friend, childhood friend?
I: Not like you, but we've known each other for a long time
R: And ?
I: And what ?

Raman sighed

R: Was there something between you two ?
I: No, we are only old friends. There has never been anything between me and another man and you should know that best.
R: Sorry, I did not mean it like that.
I: I was never in love with him
R: Good

But why was Raman so worried ?

To be continued

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