Part 26

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1 hour later, Ishita arrived with Mani. Raman looked at the watch. It was 10:30 pm. Ishita saw Raman sitting on the bench. She said goodbye to Mani and went to Raman.

R: It's late
I: Excuse me ?
R: I said it's late
I: You're not my father
R: No, I'am your husband

Ishita sat down next to Raman on the bench.

I: What is your problem ?
R: Problem ?
I: Yes, because apparently you have a problem, or why are you sitting out here waiting for me ?
R: Does not a husband have the right to wait for his wife ?
I: I had dinner with Mani
R: Until 10:30 p.m?
I: apart,  that it's none of your business, We talked

Raman got up
R: Not my business ?
I: Raman, we are not the typical married couple, as long as it does not concern Adi, my life is none of your business.
R: You're still my wife, ...Damn it !!!

Ishita was confused at his behavior
I: Why are you so angry ?

Raman grabbed Ishita by both arms and pulled her up from the bench. He pulled her close to him, so that their lips almost touched. For a moment Ishita held her breath as Raman stared into her eyes then his mouth angled down to cover hers in a searing kiss. They stood there in the dim light  and clung to each other, tongues dueling. When air became issue Raman pulled back for a moment. .

They looked each other in the eye, Raman leaned over to kiss her again. Ishita moved back.

I: I think, I should go home now.

She turned and ran into the building. Raman stood there and watched her go.
R: What do you want from her Raman ?
Why can't you let go of her ? He didn't know.

When Ishita entered the apartment, Amma was sitting in the living room  with a crying Adi. When Adi saw his mother, he immediately stopped crying.

I: What has he ?
A: I checked everything. He is not hungry or thirsty, he is not teething and he does not have a stomach ache, no fever...
I guess, he just missed his Mumma

Ishita took Adi in her arms. He was sobbing and cuddled in Ishita's arms.
I: My poor boy, Amma, why did not you call me ?
A: He only woke up 20 minutes ago.

Amma got up and kissed Adi on the head and stroked Ishita's cheek.
A:  So little man, Mumma is back, Good Night Ishu
I: Thank You Amma, Good Night

When Amma was in her bedroom, Ishita stood up with Adi in her arms. She wrapped him in a blanket and walked with him on the balcony. She wanted to show him the stars.

As she stood on the balcony she looked down and there stood Raman. He had both hands in his pocket and looked thoughtful.

I: Look Adi, there is Papa

The boy searched with his eyes. Ishita gently took his face between thumb and forefinger and guided his head towards Raman .Then he spotted Raman. Adi started squealing and almost jumped Ishita from the arm. Raman heard the loud squeal of his son and looked up.

Raman smiled, Ishita took Adi's hand and waved to Raman.
I: Hi Papa
Raman showed her with his hand that he comes up. When he was upstairs, he knocked on the door. Ishita opened the door with Adi in her arms. Adi almost jumped into his arms. He took the boy and went inside.

Raman sat on the couch with Adi. He kissed, cuddled, tickled his son. Adi enjoyed the Papa time. Ishita sat opposite and watched father and son and was touched.

R: Why is my little monkey not sleeping ?
Tell Papa, why are you still awake ?

Adi smiled and Raman saw his two small teeth he already had. He was just too cute.

I: Adi has been waiting for Mumma
R: Then Mumma should stay home and not go out and come home in the middle of the night.
I: It was 10:30 pm
R: Too late for Mumma, right Adi ?
Adi smiled
R: Look, my son is of the same opinion
I: Your son is eight months old and does not understand what you are saying.
R: My son understands me, Hai na  buddy ?

Raman tickled Adi and the boy squeals with pleasure.
I: Stop it Raman, You make him hyped.
I'll be awake with him half the night.
R: I'll make him sleep

He went to Ishita's room with Adi and lay to bed with him. Ishita waited 20 minutes, when Raman still did not come out, she went inside.

Ramam lay cuddled in bed with Adi and both were sound asleep. Ishita looked down at her son and husband. They were so cute. Should she wake Raman?

She decided to let him sleep. She thought, then she went out of the room to Mihika, but her room was locked. "Why is Mihika locking her room"?

She went back to her room.
She would lie down on the other side. What would be wrong with that ?  after all, her son lies between them.

She went to the bathroom, got ready for bed and lay down. She was overcome by a peace, she has not felt since she left the Bhalla House . It was not long before she slept soundly.

To be continued

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