Part 25

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Raman went to her to the window. Ishita looked down. He raised her chin up with his thumbs, so she could not look away from him.

"Please "  Her voice barely a whisper.

He did not say anything, just looked her in the eye.

Raman leaned forward to kiss her, but Ishita turned her head away and the kiss landed on her cheek. Ishita walked away from him.

I: We can't just pick up,  where we left off. I have explained my point, I am no longer available to you for your pleasure Raman.

R: It's not like that, it sounds like that, it sounds like ...
I: Cheap ? Using your own wife for the bed is cheap. I still have a little self-respect and you will not take that from me.!

R: Ishita, it's not about the bed, I want you and Adi come back, because... because
I: Because you love me?


I: You will always have a place in this life. You can see him whenever you wish. But I am not responsible for your physical pleasure. You know so many women, it will not be a problem to find someone ,who jumps into bed with you.

R: I should sleep with other women ?
I: Do what you want, but please be discreet. Not for my sake, for Adi's sake.
I don't want my son grows up to think, that it is normal, to treat every woman like a toy.

R: You hate me, do you ? I guess you damn the day you met me and more than anything else you regret the night we spent together.

I: No Raman, I don't hate you and I don't regret our night. That night, you gave me the most precious in the world, our son. How could I regret  him ? He is worth everything!

Raman smiled
R: Then at least I did one thing right in my life. ... But You Do Not Come Back ?

Ishita shook her head. She died inside, her heart was bleeding. She loved him so much, but this love was not reciprocated. She had to learn from now on, to live without  him.

Her whole body began to shake. She started to cry. She had no control over her body. Raman was immediately with her and took her in his arms. She clung desperately to him.

After she had calmed down,she looked at him and said softly  "Thank you, I am fine now. "

She freed herself from his arms. "I think, you should go now." Raman nodded, stroking her cheek. He turned and left.

When he left, Ishita thought. "You will never break down again in front of him. You will be strong from now on. The world does not stop turning. Life goes on Ishita, for Adi's sake."!
A few days later Raman was sitting in a restaurant with a client and Mihir. As he spotted Ishita with a man a few tables away. He apologized briefly and went over.

R: Ishita, What a surprise
I: Raman, what are you doing here ?
R: Mihir and I have a business lunch with a client.

He looked at the man
R: And what are you doing here, Ishita?
I: This is my childhood friend Abhimanyu Raghav.. Mani this is my , my this is
R: Husband Ishita, I'am your husband
I: Yes, This is my husband Raman Bhalla

The men shook hands
MA: Nice to meet, Ishu told me a lot about you.
R: Hmmm strange, She has never mentioned you.
I: Mani  lived years in the USA and is back in India recently.

Raman make a fake smile
R: Nice

Raman had to go back, the client was waiting.
R: So sorry, I still have business to do, but nice to meet you . He said goodbye and went over.

When Raman was back at the table, Mihir realized something was wrong.But in front of the client, Mihir did not want to ask.Raman kept looking over at Ishita.

After the client finally left, Mihir asked, who the man is on Ishita's side.
R: Her childhood friend, I don't care
MH: I see
R: I'd love to go over and knock out the guy

Ishita could see, how angry Raman was. His eyes sprayed fire . Was he jealous ?
Was he really jealous ? Ishita liked the thought and she played her female card. She smiled sweetly at Mani.

Raman could not bear, how his wife was flirting with this bastard . He pays the bill .He and Mihir went over to Ishita.

I: Hello Mihir, how are you ?
MH: Hello Bhabhi, all right, and you?
I: I am Fine

Raman watched Mani. Ishita introduce Mihir and Mani to each other.

R: Where is Adi?
Ishita looked at the clock on her phone
I: I hope the little man is sleeping in his bed.

Raman turned around
R: Let's go Mihir

Ishita watched him go, It jumped in her mind. "He is jealous"  and that was Raman, 100%.

MA: So that was Raman Kumar Bhalla
I: Yes
MA : You are actually married and a mumma.

Ishita smiled
I: Yes, Adi is the best thing that happened to me in my life.
MA: And your husband ? I know you have problems and you do not want to talk about it.
I: I love my husband and without Raman I would not have Adi.
Raman and Mihir were on their way home.
Raman did not say a word while driving.
When they arrived at home,,Raman got out of the car and said goodbye to Mihirund and left

He sat down on the bench in front of the building. He would wait. Wait until his wife came home.

To be continued

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