Part 17

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The next few weeks passed quickly and Ishita had another 4 weeks pregnant.
Ishita wanted the child to come soon. It was difficult for her to go. Her feet and back hurt

One evening, Ishita sat in the living room in the armchair and read a book with baby names. Raman was at a business party, he would have preferred to stay at home, but it was important that he was present.

Mrs.Bhalla came out of the kitchen with a cup of tea for Ishita.
I: Thank You Mamiji
Mrs.B: Drink the tea, while it is still warm.
I: I am sorry
Mrs.B: What ?
I: That I'm not the DIL you wanted. I did not lure Raman into the baby trap, I swear I did not plan it, but my child is not a mistake and i don't regret my baby.

"I can handle that you do not like me, but my child is innocent, hate me, ignore me, but please don't  ignore my baby. Raman's child, your grandchild. "

Ishita had tears in her eyes. Mrs.Bhalla stroked Ishita over her head.

Mrs.B: I do not hate you and I could never hate my grandchild. I'm sorry that I made you feel unwanted.

Both were crying and hugging each other.

Business Party:
Raman saw Ashok Khanna come in with Shagun. Shagun glanced over at him.
Ashok and Shagun went to Raman.

A: Unaccompanied ?
R: My wife will give birth to our child in 4 weeks. I think it is safer that she is at home with the family.
A: Raman Kumar Bhalla a good husband, I'm impressed
R: Spare me with your sarcasm Ashok

Shagun was fascinated by Raman she did not look away from him for a second.
Raman noticed her glance. Shagun whirled around him all night. She wanted him.

Ashok was sitting at the bar,he was so drunk ,he did not know who he was and that was fine with  Shagun. She went over to raman.

SH: Water? you drink water, seriously?
R: I want to stay sober, where is Ashok?
SH: I don't care, How about we both have fun together tonight ?

Raman did not have that kind of fun in a while. He was only a man and has needs. He  thought if he should accept this offer.

R: There is nothing wrong with a bit of  fun.

The party was in a hotel so he went with her to the front desk to rent a room. Arriving in the room Shagun took off her shoes and throws her purse on the couch.

She leaned against Raman and kissed his neck. He stroked her back.

Suddenly he saw Ishita in front of him  "Ishita " He thought. He pushed Shagun away from him.

R:  I can't
R:  I said I can't! I go home to my wife

He left Shagun speechless and left.

On the way home, Raman thought
"What's wrong with you Raman ?Shagun offered you a night of fun and you refused.!?

When he got home, he went to the bedroom, Ishita lay in bed and slept. He went to the bathroom, made ready for bed and lay close to her.

In her sleep, Ishita feel that he was there.
She murmured "finally" Raman smiled and fell asleep.

The next 3 weeks passed and Ishita counted the days. The pregnancy became more difficult for her every day.

She woke up with pain that moved from the back to the stomach . Was it time? she still had 1 week. She woke Raman, who slept next to her.

I:  Raman , I think I have birth pang
Ramen got up in a hurry, he ran through room, without knowing where to go.
I: Raman, calm down, We get dressed now and get ready. Then we drive to the hospital.
R: But, you are in pain
I: don't  worry it is still bearable.
I don't  know, maybe it's just wrong symptoms, this is my first pregnancy.

After they finished, Raman and Ishita came down the stairs. He informed his family and his mother informed the Iyer's.

The lead to the hospital and Ishita's pain got worse. She was afraid, afraid of birth.She hoped that everything was going well and that the baby would be born healthy.

Raman worried about Ishita. One could see her pain and he hopes that everything will be fine with her and the baby.

Ishita got sick and she asked Raman to stop the car. She opened the door and vomited. Raman got out and walked to the passenger side.

R: Are you ok ?
I: No

Ishita cried. Raman strokes her hair
R: Relax, Everything will be fine, I'm with you.

To be continued

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