Part 39

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R: Are you seducing me right now ?
Ishita bit her lower lip
R: OMG, you're so sexy

R: OK, where to ? Here in the room is Adi. Your back hurts from the wall.

I: Bathroom
R: Your back
I: I don't care

They got out of bed...

Raman t pushed Ishita into the Bathroom , shut the door behind him. His hands were all over her, caressing and kneading and tearing away at entirely too many layers of clothing. Her mouth quickly became attached to the side of his neck, her lips and tongue running over the sensitive flesh as she slide her hand down between them, caressing him through his trousers.

"Damn, I love it when you do that". he said
as his skillful fingers the straps of her nightdress, pulling it down to expose her breasts, his hands immediately covering them, kneading them .

Raman ran his tongue over her bottom lip and then thrust it into her open mouth, tangling it together with hers. He explored every inch of her mouth as he moved his hand up her thigh and under her nightdress,that she only wore to the waist.

He backed her up until she was pressed firmly against the wall. He pulled her right leg up around his waist and then pushed his hand underneath her silk panties.
"Raman ". she moaned out softly.

I: I want you. I want you so much!

His lips moved down to her neck, lightly biting her as he began to stroke her between her legs with his thumb. "You have me". he replied, increasing the pressure of his hand, creating a new sensation, taking her breath away. He brought his lips up against hers again as he pushed his pants and boxers down his thighs.

Raman lifted her up off the ground and she wrapped her legs around his waist. His hand disappeared under her nightdress once again, moving the silk fabric to the side. In a single thrust he impaled himself deep inside her and in a matter of seconds her hips were frenetically meeting his.

He gave her fast moves going deeper each time, her hips continued to roughly meet his wanting to give as much as she was getting. Panting was the only sound that filled the bathroom as they worked themselves into a frenzy, pushing and pulling and tightening and thrusting.
And suddenly it was over just as quickly as it had began. Slowly they sunk to the floor still tangled together.

R: That was amazing.
"Oh, Raman "she sighed as she swept her hand through his hair. "It is every time amazing"
They lay exhausted in bed. Ishita lay on Raman's chest and Raman stroked her uncovered back.

R: Is your back okay?
I: Hmmm, I am fine

At that moment Ishita felt so much love for him that it hurt. She started to cry.

R: What's wrong, did I hurt you?Is it your back ?

Ishita lay on his chest and cried. Adi moved and Ishita turned to him, she did not want to wake him up.

I: Shhhhh, sleep baby

She crawled back into Raman's arms.
I: Hold me
Raman kissed her temple and held her in his arms. Ishita was exhausted and half asleep.

"I know that you love me" she muttered

Now Raman knew what was going on inside her. He did not deserve her.She loved him so much and he could not tell her how much he loved her. He wanted to tell her, but he could not and he did not know why.

He stroked her cheek, she had fallen asleep.

"I Love You" she spoke softly in her sleep

Raman felt a sting in his heart. "I love you too"

"So Raman next time, you tell her when she's awake." He thought
The next morning, Ishita woke up and was still in Raman's arms, Adi was lying on her chest, asleep. She stroked her son's head.

Raman woke up and saw his wife and son. He kissed her temples, "Good Morning"
I: Good morning

Adi woke up and raised his head
I: Good Morning Baby

Adi smiled at his parents

I: As soon as he is awake,my baby is in a good mood. Isn't he cute ?
R: Like his Papa

Raman grinned and Ishita couldn't help it, she kissed him gently on the lips. Adi growled and shook his head.

I: No Papa
Adi raised his forefinger
I: You see, my son protects me
R: Our son should protect me, because you seduced me last night

Ishita's mouth dropped open, feigning shock. "I seduced you?"

"You did." he answered. "I remember the events of that night very well."

"So do I." she replied. "And it was you, Mr.Raman Kumar Bhalla , who did the seducing."

A smug smile spread across his face. "It's not like it was a difficult task." he said. "In fact you were quite welcoming of the entire idea."

"Yes well you are rather irresistible, Baby ." she said with a smile. "But then again you already knew that."

"I did." he said, confidently. "You just can't say no to my Punjabi charm and my piercing dark eyes."

Ishita laughed, Adi Clapped his hands and laughed. Raman laughed and kissed Adi on the forehead.
R: Your mother is right, you are too cute.
Raman did not go to the office that day, he wanted to spend time with Ishita and Adi.

They were in the park with Adi and had lunch in the restaurant. They enjoyed the other company.

Raman was happy as never before, he never thought that he would be father and husband and that it would make him so happy.

Ishita was happy, she knew that Raman loved her and she would wait until he was ready to tell her.

They came closer each day, and neither could imagine a life without the other.

To be continued

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