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Her heels clicked against the marble ground as she held her head high and walked with confidence.Her hips effortlessly swayed with each step as she held her resumé in her hands.
She never thought she would be chose to be interviewed but here she was at East Corporations.

Being a secretary was the last thing she expected.But she needed whatever right now to help pay her bills and being a waitress was not helping at all.
She checked in with the front desk.

"Name and time of appointment?"She asked.
"Tanya Maraj and im the 2:30 appointment."She told her as she watched her type on the computer.
"Yes just on time you may be seated,until Mr.Easton is ready for you."She told me.Tanya nodded as she took a seat and crossed her legs as she went over what she was going to say during the interview.
Her bestfriend since middle school texted her with a good luck and a winking emoji.
Tanya smiled trying to calm her nerves.
As she saw other woman leave out with sad looks on their faces.
She sighed already having the feeling she was going to be one of them.

A woman walked out looking at paper on a clip board.
"Tanya Maraj?"She asked looking around the room.
"Here."She replied standing up and the woman smirked knowing this is what Mr.Easton has been looking and asking for she was just his type.
"Hello, Ms.Maraj I am Lauren glad to see you could make it now if you could follow me to Mr.Eastons office."Lauren spoke.
"Nice to meet you Lauren but you can just call me Tanya."She assured her.
"Alright Tany,you feel nervous? "
"A little."She admitted.
"You have nothing to worry about Mr.Easton is a reasonable guy."Lauren assured her of course Lauren knew because Mr.Easton was her bother.
"Alright."She said as they got on the elevator to go to the top floor.
"What made you want to work here."
"Worth ethic and to pay my bills."Tanya said honestly.
"How did you end up working here?"Tanya asked.
"Honest truth?"Lauren asked her and Tanya nodded her head.
"Mr.Easton is my brother,this is a family owned business."Lauren told Tanya and Tanyas eyes widened.
"Wow that's amazing,but do you ever get annoyed when he boss' you around?"Tanya asked.
"No because,when your in this business family doesn't matter in here you could get fired just like any other emoloyee here,business always comes first."Lauren told her and Tanya to a deep breath.They were pretty serious here.She. thought.

The elevator doors slid open as they stepped off on to the top floor.There was two offices.One on the left and one on the right directly in front of Mr.Eastons office the other office was for his secretary.

"If you don't mind me asking,what happened to the other Secretary?"
"She was late getting coffee twice,so she had to go."Lauren said as if it was normal.Tanyas eyes widened in fear realising this job wasn't going to be easy.

"Alright here we are good luck,I really hope you get the job it would be nice having you around."Lauren told her and Tanya smiled.
"Ill try."She responded as Lauren knocked on the door.
"Come in."Tanya heard a deep voice and she was so close to turning around and running off.Lauren opened the door for her as Tanya walked in and Lauren closed the door back.

Tanya's eyes scanned his nice office as she went to take a seat in front of his desk as she watched Mr.Easton in his element as he typed on the computer not even looking at Tanya.
"Tanya Maraj."She responded.
"Why do you think your worthy of working at East Corporations?"Mr.Easton asked her in a bored tone. He felt like
a broken record as he asked the same questions over again.Tanya. felt offended as if he wasnt listening to anything she was saying and she was right.

But what she said next caught her and him off guard.
"Unprofessional..your being unprofessional it seems as if im wasting my time and yours I suppose ill take my business elsewhere,to someone who can take me seriously."Tanya spoke getting up and he looked away from his computer seeing what he was about to miss out on.

And he would be damned if he let her leave so easily.
"Wait,you have my full attention now please take a seat."He said as his eyes roamed her body than back to her gorgeous face.
She sighed going back to sit down as she crossed her legs.

"Let's start over,Mr.Easton."He spoke.
"Tanya."She replied.
"Do you have you resumé with you?"He asked she nodded as she handed him the resumé and he was impressed at how prepared she was.
He was more impressed with her worth ethic and academic skills.
He nodded his head.
"It says here that your a waitress,will that get in the way of you working for me?"He asked as she spoke his eyes remained on her as she spoke.
"I usually work shifts early in the morning from 1-4 am."She said honestly.He nodded.
"Im very impressed with you Ms.Maraj,now what could you do for me by working here?"He asked this was the question that was supposed to seal the deal. And of course she answered perfectly like he expected.

"Well I believe I heard enough Tanya,I would be happy to welcome you aboard of Easton Corporations,  training will begin on Monday,wait here while I call Lauren up."He told her shaking her hand and she smiled as she released his hand.

She couldn't wait to tell her bestfriend Milly the great news.
After a couple of minutes there was a knock on the door.
"Come in."He spoke.
And Lauren stepped in.
"I need you to assist Tanya down stairs than fax her,her schedule for next Monday."He told her.
"Will do."She said as Tanya got up to get out and Mr.Easton almost broke his neck trying to see her backside as she walked out.He smirked he was defenitley glad to have her join his corporation.

Secretary(Nicki Minaj&Dave East)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora