Chapter Twenty-Screaming Memories

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The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed. Maybe Niall went out to record or something? Sitting up, something crinkled in my hand. 

I went out to take care of your problem, please don't hate me. It's for the best.


I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair.
Why did he have to be so difficult? I was mad at him, but what he was doing was sweet, but he could also get in a lot of trouble.
Getting off the bed, I flung to my desk and pulled my iPhone off the charger and began to dial Liam.
At the third ring there was an answer. "Hello?" It sounded like he was wide away. "Yes! Liam I-" I began. "I'm not here right now, but leave a message!"
His dang voicemail played evil tricks on me. 
After trying ever lad, no one would answer. "Fine, I'll do it myself." I muttered. I hopped off the tall bed and ran into my walk-in closet. 
Once I pulled my brown leather jacket over my white tank top and dark green pants, I grabbed my keys and phone.

Hopping in my car, something felt wrong. I didn't want to go. That was the problem, reliving that hell was absolutely painful for me to relive. But I had to. I had to stop Niall from ruining his career. Holding my hands up to my face, I made my mind up.
I would go, but only for Niall. I sighed and restarted the car.
Driving down the usual road I use to take to get to school, memories flashed in my mind.

"All right kids! Run half a mile and we're done!" Coach Shaw shouted, blowing his whistle.
His light blue eyes mysteriously glistened in the large field lights.
His short buzz cut hair was covered with a Notre Dame football team cap. He was probably in his mid thirties.  
I sighed and turned to face the track. "Not so fast, Kingsley." He chuckled, holding my shoulder back. 
I turned around and smiled. "What is it coach?" I panted.
He studied the other team mates and held his hands to his hips. "Pick up the pace Erway!" He shouted at a shorter boy, a year or two below me. "You're the best on the team, right?" He smiled down at me.
I shrugged my shoulder. "If you say so, why?" I answered, taking a swig of my water.
"The championship is coming up soon and I need you to practice your kicks. Stay about an hour or two once everyone leaves?" He suggested.
I scrunched my nose and swiped a blonde hair out of my face. "Yeah, I just have to ring my mum to tell her I'm staying behind." I agreed. He nodded. "You go do that." He announced, patting my back as I ran over to the locker rooms, grabbing my phone.

"Good, here give me the ball." He smiled, pointing at it.
I huffed and kicked it over to him. "One on one, right now." He ordered.
I grinned and kicked the ball as he passed it over to me.
I began to run over to the goal and just as I was about to shoot, he stood in front of me and tackled me. His body crushed mine, knocking the wind out of me. A smirk implanted on his thin lips. I raised my eyebrows and began to struggle as I tried to get up.
"Sir, can you get off me?" I questioned. He just kept on smirking. "Sir," I begged. No response. "I wonder how hot you are from all this running, under those thick clothing?" He grumbled, caressing my thigh.
I gasped and looked at him. "Beg my pardon?" I whimpered. He held his hand to my mouth. "You don't know how long I've been wanting you. Ever since that day you wore those tight black shorts, I couldn't help it." He whispered in my ear, nibbling on it. I began to whimper and tried to yelp. Unfortunately, he held my neck tightly, picking me up and putting me on his shoulders. I struggled and began to pound on his back. "Let me go!" I cried, flailing. He just painfully smacked my bum. 

Leading me into the locker room, he pushed my against the lockers and began to rip at my clothes. I blacked out at that very moment...

A tear streamed down my face and I wiped it away. I still remembered that day like the back of my hand.
I could still feel the numbness in my bum when he slapped it.
Arriving at my destination, only two cars were parked there. Harry and Louis's. The building use to be a mansion in the late 1800s. 
I parked my car next to Harry's and quickly ran up the stairs. It was Summer Holiday, so only the teachers were here to get prepared for the new years.
Walking down the empty hallway, I heard yelling and pounding. Mostly Niall.
I sped my pace and took a left. Yes, I still remembered this place. Walking into Mr Shaw's office, I noticed him tied up to his chair and the lads intimidating him.

"Niall, what did I tell you!" I yelled, looking over the man who greedily took my virginity, I felt weak in my knees. I never thought I would ever see him again.  
His famous smirk again implanted on his lips. "Aria, what a pleasant surprise to see you again. You look...grown up." He purred, licking his bottom teeth. 
"Leave me alone." I whimpered, running into Niall's arms.  
He protectively held me behind his back as Louis began to poke Shaw in the ear with a pencil.
"Louis, stop." I demanded. "Let me." I added.
Walking over to the man, he winked and rolled his chair closer to me. "Close enough." I muttered.
"Let's finish what we started." He teased. A tear slid down my face. I was frustrated and mad.
"No, you won't do that to me ever again!" I yelled.
"Do you know? Do you know how hard this has been on me? Have you ever gone on a date and been terrified that the man would rape you? Have you ever had your space invaded? Have you ever been raped? No! I've hurt myself because of you! And know what?" I announced.
He gave me a sharp look.
"Don't sass at me." He growled.
"No, I deserve to sass at you! We're going to report you!" I smiled with confidence. 

He began to growl and flung out of the rope, latching onto my neck.
He pushed me against the wall against the wall and began to pinch at my jugular vein. 
The boys began to yell and tackle him down.
I fell over on the marble ground and held my throat. Wheezing and gasping for air.  
Niall ran to my side and helped me up. "We need to leave, now!" He yelled at us all.
The lads left the in pain man on the ground and we began to run out of the school.
Niall grasped my hand and opened the door for us. Moments later as we were all in our cars, Niall and Zayn in mine, Shaw came running out. "You won't get away with it!" He yelled, holding his fists up... 

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