Chapter Six-Please Don't

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About an hour later, Niall came out of the bathroom, his eyes were slightly red and puffy.
Something twisted inside of me, guilt.
He glared at Harry and took a seat next to Ali.
Harry pulled me close.
"I think we should stop." I whispered in Harry's ear.
He wrapped his arms around me.
"Not until he reveals his feelings." He whispered back.
Niall groaned and put his arm around Ali.
"What are you whispering about, shagging in the closet?" He scowled.
I gasped and got up.
"No, we were talking about-actually that is none of your business!" I bellowed, walking away into the extra bed room for Paul.
When I slammed the door, I heard someone cough behind me.
When I turned around, I saw Paul sitting on a leather love seat, reading a book and watching television.
"Is everything all right?" He asked, taking off his reading glasses and uncrossing his legs.
I sighed and shook my head.
"No, nothing's right." I explained.
"It's the first day on the bus and everything is going bad." I added. He sighed and set his book down. "Take a seat and hear the wise words of Paul Higgins." He announced, patting the seat. I smiled and walked over. 

We talked and talked for a while.
"So you mean to say, you like Niall." He declared, rubbing his temple.
I nodded and put my hands between my legs and hunched.
"I don't get it, Paul, why can't I just tell him?" I whined.
He patted my back.
"Maybe you're just scared." He explained.
I sighed and nodded. "I have trust issues." I confessed.
He moved around in his spot.
"What do you mean?" I sniffled and rubbed my eye.
"It's nothing, too embarrassing." Paul hunched too.
"You can tell me, you know." He promised. I shook my head.
"I know, it's just some weird phobia." I lied.
It was something else.
Something I could never tell anyone. Ever. 
"When you're ready, I'm here." He ended.
I got up from my spot and hugged Paul.
"Thanks for listening." 

A few day's passed and tonight was finally the first concert.
The boys have rehearsed, Niall hasn't talked to Harry or I ever since he saw us 'lip locking'.
All he's been doing is watching from a distance and hanging out with Ali.
They've took walks together while I've sat around doing nothing.
It makes me mad. Mad at Harry. Mad at myself.
Now, Ali is the apple of Niall's eye.
I knew Harry's plan wasn't going to work, why didn't I listen to myself?
Seeing him with her makes me feel like I should go home.
They hold hands across their bunks every night, but just as friends.
Friends my butt, he's whispered in her ear, causing her to giggle.
They've even took naps together.
Every night, every night I try not to cry, but when I do, I sleep on the love seat in Paul's room.
He's been really supportive of me, kind of like my late brother, Jared....

I was in the bathroom, getting ready for the concert.
I slipped on my outfit and curled my hair.
Once I applied a small amount of makeup, I left the bathroom and followed Paul out towards the screaming fans outside our bus.
When I looked behind, I saw Niall take Ali's hand.
A sharp pain of misery hit my right in the stomach.
Strong arms rapped around my shoulders.
"Gottcha, don't worry." Harry whispered into my ear.
I smiled and turned around.
"The fans are right here." I whispered.
Moments later, a water bottle was hit at my head.
"Hey bitch! Turn around so we can see your ugly face!" A girl yelled.
I frowned and turned. "Ew, she looks like a hippo!" The tall brunette laughed.
A tear slid down my cheek and Harry hugged me.
"Don't listen to them." He whispered into my cheek.
"I don't want to, this is just a fake relationship." I whispered back.
He nuzzled his chin into my shoulder.
"Hey, I didn't like the way you treated my friend. Can you apologize?"
I turned my head and saw Niall standing in front of the girl.
"Come on, Ni, let's go." Ali muttered, smiling and pulling his arm.
"Leave out of this, Ali." He growled. "Say it." He muttered in the girls face.
She smirked and turned her head.
"Personal space, ugly." She sickened.
That made me mad, why on Earth would she call him ugly?
Niall was the most beautiful creature on this planet.
Only someone blind would say that. "Ali's right, come on Ni." I mumbled. 

Ali and I were standing backstage, watching the lads preform.
"You lied." She muttered.
I turned my head in her direction.
"What do you mean?" She snickered and rolled her eyes.
"Please, it's pretty obvious, you like my Niall." I gasped and shook my head.
"What do you know, Ali?" I bellowed.
She chuckled sharply.
"Trust me, I know things others don't." She confessed.
I crossed my arms and began to watch the boys again.
"Like your fake relationship." Ali whispered into my ear.
Goosebumps rose upon my skin.
"Again, you know nothing." I lied.
Horror struck me. How did she know?

Moments later, Niall hushed down the crowd.
"Everyone," he announced in his thick Irish accent.
"Can we take a moment?" He asked.
The crowd made murmurs in agreement.
"Ali, will you come on stage?" He asked, pointing to her.
She smirked at me and walked on the stage.
As her heels had their final click, Niall pulled her under his arm.
"We've been pretty good friends for a while now and I think I want something more. Will you, Ali be my girlfriend?" He asked.
I gasped and looked over at Harry who gave me a sympathetic look.
He began to cough into his microphone.
"Sorry, had an itch." He lied.
Niall did a face palm and pulled Ali closer.
I couldn't watch anymore.
My heels turned and I began to run, until I bumped into..

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