Chapter Four-Too Quick

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I was sitting on my sofa, again on Twitter and petting Chicken.
There was a photo of Liam pouting and pointing to his black eye.
"Mean ol' Niall popped me for tweeting his little fantasy yesterday." It explained.
I bit my lip then chuckled.
Liam could make my day, even if he lost an arm.
There was then a faint knock on the door.
 I sighed and set my laptop on the sofa and held Chicken in my arms.
When I opened the door, Niall was standing with his hands in his pockets and looking at the ground.
"Hola," I smiled, leaning on the door.
He looked up and smiled weakly.
I opened the door wider and had him come in.
"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I asked handing Chicken to him.
"No thanks, we just had breakfast."
I smiled and got a glass of water.
"She looks better." He announced, stroking the bird with his index finder.
 "You think so?" I asked, guiding him to the sofa.
We took a seat and looked at each other for a moment.
"So, I saw Liam's tweets..." I confessed, looking at my glass. Niall sighed.
"You did. Erm, I'm really sorry." He mumbled.
I grinned and swiped a hair behind my ear. "What did you think?"
I sighed. "We just met and you're a really great guy and all, I just want to take it slow." I confessed.
He sighed and nodded.
"Just friends." Niall mumbled.
I smiled and hugged him.

We then decided to go to the cinema and catch a film.
I looked up at the wide selection of films.
"What do you want to see?" I asked, doing the same.
"Rock of Ages? I've heard it's hilarious." Niall suggested, scratching the back of his head.
I looked over at him and nodded.
"Sure, why not?" He smiled and lead me to the line.
Once he paid for the tickets, which I begged him I would do, we headed into our theater and took our seats.
"Can you see all right?" He whispered over to me.
"Yeah," I whispered back.
Moments later, a giraffe-like man sat in front of me.
"I take that back." I chuckled.
"Do you want to switch?" He asked.
"Its fine." I explained.
"You sure?" He whispered.
I nodded.
Once the credits ended, the film began to roll.
I crossed my legs and took a bite of popcorn.
Niall and I laughed at the same time, making it even funnier.
"Future Harry!" We both laughed, then pointing at each other.
People turned to look at us and "shh'ed."
Niall and I made faces at them and threw popcorn.
"We're so going to get kicked out." He whispered.
I held my hand to my mouth, trying to hold back the giggles.
"I know, I feel so bad ass." I grinned.
Moments later, we got a warning from a young cranky employee.
Niall and I grinned at each other when the worker walked away.
"It was probably giraffe man who told on us." I whispered into his ear.
Niall grinned looking at me then back the screen. 

After the cinema, we decided to go to The London Library and be loud there. We were running through a book aisle when I stopped to look at a book I was meaning to read.
"What is it?" Niall asked, looking over my shoulder.
I flipped the cover over. "Just...Just a book I was meaning to read and I guess I forgot." I mumbled, reading the first chapter.
I began to get deeper into the page.
"Aria?" Niall questioned.
"Aria?" He again repeated.
I rapidly blinked and shut the book.
"Huh? Oh, sorry." I blushed.
"That book must be really interesting?" He questioned.
I laughed and nodded. "Trust me, it is." Niall looked left to right.
"Can I tell you a secret?" He whispered, leaning closer to me.
I nodded. "I've only read one book in my whole entire life." He confessed, putting his hands in his pockets.
My mouth dropped.
"Are you serious?" I asked.
Niall nodded.
"I could never do that to save my life." I explained. 

The next day, I set off to my job.
 I pulled up to the small publishing business I worked at and locked my car as I opened the door to the workshop. 
Inside, Dana was typing away on her laptop and yelling into a telephone. 
"I don't care! The copy will be in Thursday, no exceptions!" She then hung up the phone.
"Oh, hello Aria." She breathed, swiping a bang out of her sight. I smiled and waved. 
"You seem stressed." I grinned, handing her coffee.
She took a sip and nodded. 
"Finally, someone understands." She beamed, adding sugar. 
I looked at the clock and sighed. "Gotta get writing." I explained, pointing to my office. 
When I entered my office, I took out my Mac and began to think. What was I going to write about?

After work, I got into my car and began to drive home.
While waiting for the car in front of me to drive, my mobile began to chime.
I quickly put it on speaker while making a turn.
"What's up, Ni?" I asked, looking straight out of my window.
I heard him sigh and ruffle his hair.
"Meet the lads and I at our rental house." He explained.
"Wait-wh" I began but he already hung up.
I groaned and began to drive in his direction.
Once I pulled up to into their parking lot, Niall opened the door.
"Hey, you needed something?" I asked, getting out of the car.
He put his hands in his pockets and nodded.
I was lead into their messy living room.
Zayn and Liam gave me a surprise hug, screaming and jumping.
"We missed you!" They laughed, jumping up and down, while I was still in their hold.
I chuckled and patted each on the back.
"I just saw you guys yesterday." I explained.

I walked over to the sofa and rested my feet on Harry's lap.
"So what's the news, boys?" I asked as Niall took a seat next to me.
Louis looked down and kicked a sock.
"Who wants to tell her?" He mumbled. Niall sighed and raised his hand.
"I guess I will." He then turned to me and looked me in the eyes.
"Aria, we're going on a tour around America." He explained.
I sunk down in the seat and ran my fingers through my hair. "How long?" I asked.
"A few months," he mumbled, playing with my fingers.
"Okay, I can't pretend to be sad anymore!" Harry whined.
"We're taking you with us." He smiled, poking my cheek.
I smiled and poked him back. "Really? Are you serious?" I gasped.
Niall looked down smiling and laughing. "But thats not it, we're bringing Ali with us!" He beamed.
I put on my best fake smile.
He was bringing her? Why? "Really? T-thats fabulous," I lied.
Niall nodded. "Aren't you two still mad at each other?" I asked. 

"We talked it over dinner." He explained.
"She was just trying to get to know you and tell more about me." He explained.
"Super," I gazed at the windows.
"You're okay with rooming with her, right?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Yeah, it's not like I'm going to have to shower with her." I laughed.
Niall nodded. "Great, this really means a lot."
"But, I will have to bring work with me." I explained.
"You have a job?" Liam asked.
I glared at him, throwing a pillow at him.
"How do I get food?" I muttered.
"Well, there are plenty of ways...If you know what I mean?" Harry winked.
I rolled my eyes and shoved a pillow in his face.
"I'm not a gold digger, Susan Boyle." Harry gasped.
"I'm not a girl." He pouted. 


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