Chapter Twenty "A Day at the Gallery"

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            "This is the finest gallery in London," Leah swelled as she walked in, spread her arms and turned about. "I love coming here!" I watched her twirl as well as all of the other people coming and going, even though I was in the midst of them, I felt set apart . . . as if watching from afar. "Have you been here before, Margaret?"

            "This is my first time in London," I smiled faintly as I watched some of the couples stroll by, arm in arm.

            "Well then I am happy to share this with you," she beamed at me, "I am sure you will enjoy it!" Leah had began walking towards one of the wings, she knew her way around and I found myself following her and her chaperone from a distance, "Mrs. Evers always accompanies me but she has no interest. Isn't that odd? A governess that has no enthusiasm for art . . . " Leah continued talking although I don't recall about what. The images we passed all began to blur together. Landscapes called to me of freedom that I could not enter. Haughty faces looked down at me, looming with the reminder that my future was settled for me.

            Occasionally Leah would stop, wait for me to join her and then tell me about the painting we were admiring. She really had an appreciation for the arts. I caught bits of her explanations regarding color usage or how the brush strokes affected the final outcome. I honestly believe that she could live within those walls and be perfectly happy. This was her element. I longed to have such a distraction . . . at least a place where I could go and it felt like home.

            Down one of the halls, I don't remember which, I glanced up to see how far Leah was ahead of me when one painting caught my eye. It was simple enough, a hunting dog stretched out on his master's bed . . . but there was something queer about its expression. I found myself moving closer and staring, trying to put my finger on exactly what I saw. The poor thing had such a mix of emotion behind it's deep eyes. I stood there for a long time, just contemplating it that I had not noticed Leah and Mrs. Evers had moved on without me.

            I stayed for several more moments, not wanting to leave the sad spaniel when one of the touring groups were heading my way. I decided I should follow it, perhaps it would lead me to my companions and I would not be alone. If I waited until they passed, I could lag behind and keep an eye out for Leah. I looked up into those soulful eyes again, perhaps to wish it farewell, as the group began to move past me. Then I carefully looked around to make sure it did not seem odd that I was joining the group when I noticed someone observing me. "Thomas," I gasped to myself and I could feel my face tighten with a stunned and then disdained expression. From his stance he must have been there for a time and he did acknowledge my reaction with, of all things, a tip of his hat.

            The sudden desire to depart overcame me and I turned to follow the tour but they had stopped a mere two paintings away from me and the number of patrons left me no room to skirt around them. I glanced again and he was moving towards me, that cheeky grin from our first meeting pinned smugly to his face. With no place to go I turned back to my painted friend, this time seeing pity in his eyes.

            "Miss Woodbridge," he bowed, I could hardly believe that he was feigning to be a gentleman even in this public place. I did not give him the courtesy of a response and kept staring at the reclining dog. "Ah," he sighed, "you must not be happy to see me, as I am you." I glanced in the direction of the tour and they had barely moved an inch meanwhile Mr. Edgehill was but a foot from me. "Did I really behave so terribly?" he asked, a faint tone of dread tinting his words.

            "If you cannot remember perhaps there is a great deal more for me to be opposed to," I retorted.

            "At least I have your attention now," a bit of cheer hung in those words, "So Miss Woodbridge, what about this painting has kept your attention for so long?"

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