Chapter Thirteen "Preparations and Secrets"

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            "Margaret," Faith whispered against the door, "I am sorry, I shouldn't have pressed you about Percival . . . please forgive me." There were a few moments of silence before she spoke again, this time louder and more like the Faith from earlier, "Margaret, Patience requests our presence in the parlor immediately . . . do come right away." After that I heard her footsteps recede down the hall.

            I collected myself and gingerly wiped my tears away with the linen handkerchief, slid it into my pocket and proceeded to the parlor. When I arrived Patience was standing near the fireplace, she was facing Faith who occupied one of the two places on the settee. I could tell when she turned to me that she would not say anything, but her eyes continued to exude the apology she whispered at my door.

            "You called for me?" I asked of Patience as I took my seat.

            "I have sent word to the Edgehills to expect us on Wednesday," Patience smiled.

            "But that's just two days from now," Faith explained.

            "I am aware of that, dear sister," Patience said curtly, "but for us to have the best chance, I think the earlier we go the better." Faith knew her place with her sister and submitted a nod which pleased Patience from what I could tell. Then those heavy lidded chocolate eyes fell on me, "I do hope that you have no objections, Margaret."

            "No, Patience, Wednesday will be just fine," I said making direct eye contact.

            My sudden agreeability caught her off guard for a moment, "Well, I am so glad that you have come to your senses," she gave me a sweet smile and took a breath, "That is all, girls, you can go about whatever you were doing earlier although I would recommend getting your trunks ready as quickly as possible." We both nodded and stood, trying our best not to run out of the room, "Oh and Margaret . . . do remember to take the pink overlay as well as the pink dress with the embroidery, you looked striking in them both."

            "Of course, Patience," I nodded and gave a side glance to Faith.

            "We mustn't doddle, Margaret, let's start your trunk," Faith reprimanded as she led the way. She was speaking louder than necessary again as she grabbed my hand and started up the staircase.  Once we were out of earshot she lowered her voice, "Are you all right?"

            "Yes," I nodded as I looked back towards the parlor, "She is unrelenting in her desire to get us there . . . "

            "You, Margaret, she is determined to make connections through you," Faith asserted as we entered her room again, this time to do more than postulate our wardrobes.

            "Why not you?" I sighed, "you are her sister."

            "Her sister on her second Season . . . " Faith corrected as she took out a beautiful wine colored dress with gold accents, "She knows I have met the gentleman already so you are her hope."

            "I don't want to be her hope . . . "

            "Why don't you at least wait until you meet him before you throw the idea away entirely?" she sat beside me on her bed, "I was not lying about his attractiveness." I gave her a small smile as she took my hand, "unless there is another that holds your heart?"

            I put my free hand into my pocket and touched the edge of the handkerchief, "My heart has not been claimed, Faith. It is free for the right person to claim, but I doubt I will find such a man in London."

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