Orochimaru The Creep

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Third person
"Hey pervy gramps what's our mission?" Y/ n asked while they left the village.

"We're going to save a friend of mine from darkness." He answered seriously.

First Person
It took us a two days to get where gramps wanted to be. We arrived to an abandoned hideout. It's a little creepy if you ask me.
We climbed down the stairs.

"Remember y/n, don't hold back on your abilities. This man is really strong and so fast." I nodded. I head a evil laugh.

"Hmhmhm, ah Jiraya finally you came. You even brought me a new vessel? How nice." He came out of the darkness.
Well damn he sure does look creepy!

He came closer to me. I threw my sword, many snakes came out. A snake clone? I stabbed the sword to the ground and added lighting, it killed all of the snakes that were on the ground. I suddenly felt a bite from my arm.

I... Can't... Move...

"oh dear, you forgotten about my smallest snake over there... can't move?" He came closer and closer. Damnit.

Kumra I need you now!

My yellow cloak of chakra appeared, I had enough strength to teleport outside of the hideout.
I breathed heavily. I touched my arm, fuck. I preformed medical ninjutsu on my arm, before the poison spreads throughout my body. Thankfully I did manage to get it out.

"You okay y/n?" Kumra inquired.
"Yeah," i held my arm. Explosions and punches were being made, I could hear it. What's going on?

Jiraya POV
"Leave y/n out of this!" I demanded.
"Haha, yeah you maybe be right, she isn't my type anyways," he tried to escape, which he suddenly did.

Damnit! I've lost him again! I failed again! I rushed to y/n.

"You okay!? Did you get the poison out???" I kneed and touched her shoulders.
"Yes gramps I am!" I helped her out. I can't even protect her.

First Person
We walked back to the village, I felt a little weak to walk so gramps had to kinda help me walk hehe.
"I have failed again. I failed to help a friend and failed to protect you y/n! Damnit what kind of a sanin am I"

I never seen pervy gramps this depressed.
"You haven't failed gramps! You haven't failed your friend, and you for sure haven't failed me! It was my fault for being a little too reckless, don't blame yourself y'know? Also you make one hell of a novel! I'm still waiting for a second book for make out paradise." I smiled cheekily.
His eyes glowed.

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